Fun Swears (Safe for Work)


New member
I say thank-you like a saint and swear like a sailor... modifications are needed with kids :)

Alright Dads lets hear your fun modifications to swears when your around the kiddos,

Sh*t = Poppy-do

Holy Sh*t = shiitake mushrooms

F*ck = Duck

F*cking A*shole = Silly Duck

Jesus = J,C

God Dam = G,D

Dumb,f*cking,c*nt = D,F,C (That person who runs red lights or does not pick up their dog poop)

Son of a b*tch = Son of a mother ;)
@mikeb34 I struggle with this daily. I employ ‘The Good Place’ tactics so my modified cursing really hits like it’s supposed to, it’s the only way to maintain the satisfaction and core messaging.

What the fork, Bullshirt, etc.
@mikeb34 If I'm at work and gotta go I'll say "i gotta shit like a smooshed cat" but around the kids i say "i gotta poop like a flat feline" idk, it's funny to me lol