FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out


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Moderately granola moms, helpppppp!

I received a bag of clothes from a friend of a friend that reeked of some awful toxic detergent. I didnt think much of it as I figured washing it would get it out, but I think there is serious buildup from repeated washing.

I mixed those clothes in with other hand-me-downs I received in the wash, and now ALL the clothes smell like the detergent 😭

I washed it with my unscented Attitude (ewg verified might I add) detergent the first round, and then added a cup of baking soda with a cup of vinegar to the second wash, and some of the clothes still smell…

I’m wondering—how bad is it to put these clothes on my newborn baby? Should I just let it go knowing I did thoroughly wash them??

OR—is this a concern due to skin sensitivity and toxicity, and if yes, how the F do I get this stank out???

UPDATE: Okay, so I did 3 washes—one regular with detergent, one with detergent, baking soda and vinegar (oops, learned they neutralize each other), one with just vinegar, and the clothes still smelled. Then I did a proper “strip” with borax and washing powder (1/2 cup of each soaked in the tub for 4 hours), then did a heavy duty 2 hour cycle with 4 rinses… And honestly, there is still a smell, although it is better and more tolerable. I’m letting everything sit in the sun for a few days and hope that gets the rest of it. But seriously, what on earth are people thinking using this crap?!
@ch3apshad3s First of all, don’t mix baking soda and vinegar, they’re just going to neutralize each other haha

What I’d do, is do a few cycles of soaking the clothes with just vinegar in warm water and adding 2 or 3 extra rinses on each cycle. If this doesn’t work, look into laundry stripping. I wouldn’t keep adding detergent at this point, if the problem is detergent buildup, putting more detergent on top is not going to help.
@ch3apshad3s Do you have the ability to hang things outside in the sun? Literally the only way I have been able to neutralize the stench of fabric softener. I've had to hang things outside for DAYS
@tornado16 Sunshine and a breeze absolutely works for all manner of things I purchase secondhand on eBay that come wreaking of laundry detergent. A spray of straight vodka or vinegar can help the process along. People use sooo much scented detergent and fabric softener. I feel for their endocrine systems.
@ch3apshad3s Not so granola but I find the only thing that really gets rid of laundry softener / fragrance build up is borax. I justify it because secondhand clothes are so much better for the environment in the long run, even at the expense of one borax wash.
@godseconomy It's harmful if ingested and can cause skin irritation.

This can be mitigated with a few precautions. Gloves for when handling clothes soaked in borax before they go in the wash if you have sensitive skin and storing out of reach of small children and pets.
@ch3apshad3s In my experience, once they're washed 3 or so times, I can't detect the smell. You could also try stripping them, but that's not gentle or without chemicals, either.

I personally wouldn't worry too much.

Ps. No use in combining baking soda and vinegar. They make bubbles yes, but have basically no cleaning action when combined. They cancel each other out.

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