Frustrated with Tula


New member
Hi, I’m hoping someone here can help me figure out a better solution for me than the Tula Explore. I was very excited to get it after all the enthusiasm on here, but it just doesn’t seem to fit my body right.

If my baby is low enough that I can comfortably kiss his head, then the waist strap is so low that he’s no longer in an M shape. Plus I have to keep the arm straps pretty loose to get him this low and it doesn’t feel sturdy. For reference, he was a preemie and is now 14 weeks and 10lbs.

Previously the Weego and the Baby K’tan worked for us, but we wanted something new because he’s growing out of the preemie Weego and it’s not certified by the hip displaisia institute. The K’tans fit is fine but the X part in the back is bulky and uncomfortable to sit in.

Ideally I need something easy to get on by myself (I found the Tula a challenge to reach around and adjust) and that doesn’t have a knot in the back (like the mei tai style) so I can sit comfortably.

Thank you for any help!!
@bubble5 Could you post a fit check with your Tula? It’s a very forgiving carrier and fits a lot of body types, just based on what you’re saying here it seems like there could be some room for improvement.

Tula also does free fit consultations over zoom, if you’re not comfortable posting photos here. They have info on their website on scheduling.
@pitcharan ^ This. Tula has great customer service. I love my Tula Lite ! I tried four different carriers before finding the Lite. I am a big lady (5’9”, broad shouldered, and currently pretty fat in the waist, hips and thighs), and my baby is on the small side (currently 8.5 months, ~16 pounds, and 26.5” long). The Lite is the only carrier that fits us both well, and she loves it. I can’t speak to the Explore model specifically, but I can say Tula has great customer service. The only downside is the Lite is made of synthetic fabric. It’s nice, soft-to-the-touch synthetic fabric, but I originally had my heart set on a carrier made with natural fibers. Sometimes you can’t have it all 🤔
@aquahemo Thank you both— super helpful. @aggro_yam I have a similar body type and similar concerns about natural fabrics. You’re right, guess we can’t have it all! But based on these recs I scheduled a virtual fit check for next week with Tula and hoping that might clear things up.
@bubble5 Can you post a fit check? I’m not sure if I fully understand what you are saying without a picture. That being said, apron style carriers are easier to get a good fit with very little babies.
@bubble5 I love my lenny lamb lite. I find it really easy to put on because you can cross the straps in the back, and you can tighten it from the side. It's a really nice side fabric and both sturdy enough for every day wear but still not bulky. It doesn't do forward facing though, not sure if that's a must for you.

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