Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously


New member
We’ve been trying to conceive for about a year now with 4 early losses between 4-7 weeks.

My husband (34M) has gotten his SA results (other than morphology) and it is quite bad. His sperm concentration (15 mil/ml) and motility (40%) are both low and rapid progressive motility is extremely low (4%). While some men may have poor sperm due to genetic factors or unavoidable environmental factors, this is likely not the case with my husband.

My husband is not very healthy at all and doesn’t want to improve his health. He is obese (gained about 40 lbs since we had our first), sedentary (works a desk job, with lots of breaks but doesn’t go for a walk during breaks), eats very poorly (a lot of processed red meat like bacon, sausages, ham, lots of carbs and sugar), and refuses to take supplements (e.g male prenatal, CoQ-10) even with constant reminders. He also gets stressed out easily even for the smallest things (like he can’t even drive for 5 minutes in low traffic without cussing at other drivers). He was also a previously heavy drinker and marijuana user (now thankfully agreed to reduce during TTC). He has a very low libido and I literally need to beg him for us to BD during my FW, otherwise we could go weeks/months without BD.

It’s beyond frustrating because I’ve done so much healthwise for TTC purposes. I cut down my carbs and sugar significantly, so much so that my A1C dropped from 5.2 to 4.8. I’ve increased my consumption of dark leafy greens and berries. I make sure to walk everyday. I take my concoction of egg quality supplements (Omega 3, CoQ-10, NAC). I see a therapist to help manage stress and keep myself level-headed. I go to an acupuncturist to help balance my hormones and reduce stress. I haven’t had a drink or consumed marijuana in months.

My RE suspects our issue is sperm/male factor related, as my AMH (4.5 ng/ml) and AFC (27) are both high end of normal and optimal, and my FSH is low end of normal and optimal (6.8) and in his experience, since I don’t have PCOS or Endo, that both my egg quantity and also egg quality are likely very good. I’m already doing everything I can to improve my egg quality but my husband has done absolutely nothing to improve sperm quality or quantity. He does not seem interested in the TTC process at all - I’ve literally had to drag him to appointments and it took him months to complete a SA, meanwhile I’ve gotten all my tests done (which are much more extensive and invasive) months ago.
@michaelwayne57 So why are you wanting to have another child with him? I must be missing something, because he doesn’t care at all. Like, at all. He isn’t trying, because it doesn’t matter to him if you have a second. So why do you want a second with someone who is so strongly showing they don’t want that? Highly doubt he’ll change much after you conceive.
@alex594 I also struggle to understand OP’s logic. I mean, obviously you love your husband etc, but he is strongly showing you that your desires are not important to him; he doesn’t take care of himself which is also important in the grand scheme of things and you bend over backwards trying to make him want something he only wants with his words… and your question is not relationship related but how to make a man act like a husband and give the bare minimum needed for conception…
@socaldisciple I agree. My partner is content on 1, but is more than happy having a second one. He isn’t over the moon about taking all the supplements and whatnot, but he does it and supports the process (given I’m the one with infertility, but nonetheless). OP husband is blatantly showing he doesn’t care at all.
@notthereyet He does. We both agreed to have a second child. But he is more ok with it if it doesn’t happen, whereas I’m more willing to do anything to make it happen (I’m ok with doing more invasive and expensive things like IUI and IVF - even multiple rounds of IVF if we can get some of it covered for example).
@michaelwayne57 Well I’m sorry that he wants to maintain his current lifestyle more than he wants another kid 😔 if he already realizes how important this is to you then I’m not sure what else you can do.
@michaelwayne57 If he is more willing to put you through IVF than address his own habits to improve his health, this is a selfish partner that doesn’t deserve a second child. I just finished an IVF cycle; it is not for the faint of heart. Would he rather have you inject yourself with up to three needles a day than just eat a goddamn salad and take a few walks? Also, IVF still requires quality sperm, so if he’s not willing to do the work to improve his numbers, you risk putting yourself through a lot of pain, stress, and expenses for nothing.
@michaelwayne57 As a guy myself, your husbands mindset really baffles me.

Guys often feel pride over the state of their swimmers. And shame if they’re poor. I’d feel more motivation than ever to switch up a healthy lifestyle, feeling that would also help make healthy children, and being a healthy dad on top of fertility.
@michaelwayne57 So I have a family member who is like this, and the only person he will accept a “wake up call” from is his doctor. I would make him an appointment with his primary care doctor and send him with a list of concerns. It’s possible he’s suffering from depression if he has no motivation to become a healthier person. If you become the enforcer it could create tension in the relationship.
@michaelwayne57 My initial thought is maybe all the changes he would have to make feel really overwhelming and it's hard for him to admit he might be the problem and be letting you down? It sounds like he has a lot of pretty hard things to tackle - lifestyle, diet, mental health - and is maybe having a really hard time facing the fact that that might be the issue. It sounds like you're doing an amazing job at the lifestyle changes, which are so hard, and I wonder if he feels like it's just too much for him to tackle? All of the things you mention he does can also cause low libido and depression. Have you had a deeper conversation with him about how things are going other than just in relation to baby making? Sorry you're in this situation, that sounds really hard!
@michaelwayne57 Have you considered using donor sperm? I mean it doesn’t sound like he’s interested in being a father at all, so might as well just do you since he isn’t participating anyway. People don’t magically change after you have the kid. Or maybe he’ll realize you’re serious if you pursue donor conception and get his act together.
@michaelwayne57 Make sure you do get genetic testing done for him. Husband has male factor infertility despite doing everything possible. Taking supplements, stopping alcohol ect and we found out IVF was our only option. Your losses between 4-7 weeks indicates this. I had four early losses and it was caused by a genetic condition called balanced translocation. You can have children naturally with it and some people get lucky to have a first child with no problem and discover when TTC with the second.
@michaelwayne57 I hate recommending this because the onus shouldn’t be on us to help our partners improve but if you’re making healthy meals for yourself… can you give him some too?

Here are suggestions that come to mind.. they aren’t TOTALLY healthy but better than nothing:

I’m thinking nuts (almonds walnuts etc) at his work desk in a jar (easy to grab, throw in some m&ms if it helps), salad (with bacon strips and dressing if that helps lol), sandwiches with tomatoes onion lettuce and yummy cheese and a tiny bit of pulled pork, homemade mushroom soup on a cold day, yogurt parfait with chocolate chips and granola, cheesy omelettes.

Just say you were making it for yourself and had extra so left it for him in case he wanted some (not in a mean way but just a shrug your shoulders matter of fact way).
@michaelwayne57 Actions speak louder than words. He doesn't want another one, otherwise he'd do what needed doing. You're just not willing to acknowledge this, which is understandably heartbreaking.