Formula Feeding


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Any other moms exclusively formula feeding? Is it normal to feel guilt about not breastfeeding even though my girl is growing well and it’s allot easier on myself? I do always feel a close connection with her but I just hope I’m doing everything ok.

19 f

2month old f
@emann A lot of moms do feel guilt. Is it normal? That's a difficult one to answer.

I think social media, some health authorities, brands, etc. causes a lot of moms to feel unwarranted guilt. I bet you know before the internet, moms just did whatever was best for their baby without feeling guilty.

I chose to EFF because I did not want to breastfeed. I have not felt one ounce of guilt for my decision because I know formula has been developed to give all the necessary nutrients to my baby.

I firmly believe that fed is best and the origin of the milk has no bearing on this.

But, as I said at the start, a lot of moms feel guilt and you only have to search 'guilt' on this subreddit to see this. But, you will also see all the FF moms reassuring these moms of their decision
@emann Having guilty feelings is normal but not necessary. I EFF after 2 weeks. It was hard for a while but I’ve embraced the flexibility it’s given us and my little guy is thriving. Breastfeeding is portrayed as this miracle for everything. It has benefits but isn’t everyone’s path and I believe that a healthy loving household is the most important thing. It sounds like your daughter has that!
@emann I exclusively formula fed and never felt guilty about it. I knew I probably wouldn't be able to bf and I'm glad I wasn't able to in the hospital. It sounds like a nightmare from what I hear (and saw) other women going through.

When my son was a baby and husband was on paternity leave we slept in shifts and each got to sleep for 6-7 hours a day, and we always knew how many oz baby was getting and when it was time to increase oz. It was heavenly to have everything so controlled and simple.
@emann Hundreds of thousands of women choose to formula feed their children from day one, and that,s no different from the women who choose breastfeeding or combo feeding. Formula and breastmilk are both 100% safe and complete nutrition sources for infants from day one.
@emann I have twins and we did formula from the beginning. I had a lot of anxiety during my pregnancy and we decided, along with the neonatologist, that formula would be the best option for us. I don’t regret the decision.
@emann It’s normal to feel guilty and your feelings are valid. However I don’t feel like it’s worth feeling guilty over. Eventually, Your baby will be a toddler who licks the floor and windows. You won’t know who was breast fed and who was formula fed at that point.
@emann Combo feeder here and I love having the best of both worlds. Formula has made my baby so happy with his voracious appetite that my boobs simply can’t keep up with! No need to feel any guilt.
@emann It's a common experience but in reality there is nothing to feel guilty about.

If formula is helping to make sure your baby eats sufficiently or makes your job easier then it's objectively a good choice.

A lot of us here actually regret not embracing formula sooner because we eventually realized one or both of the parties involved hadn't been thriving with breastfeeding.
@emann It's normal to feel guilty. But I formula fed both of my girls I have no regrets. Just don't let others tell you that you did something wrong.
@emann Two kids and I’ve never BF once. With the first I felt no guilt at all, with the second I did a little bc it seemed like both of us would have taken to it easily and successfully. But that’s the only reason.
@emann Omgosh girl, you are NOT ALONE.

With my daughter I tried. I really did. No milk for 2 weeks led me to madness. When I got pregnant with my son I told everyone not to buy me breastfeeding stuff. I was planning on trying without the pressure I had with my daughter, but circumstances changed, and he never got a single drop from my breast.

Both my kids were big when they were born, both of them have grown like weeds with formula. But that didn't stop the guilt and shame. With my son because it's more recently it hurts. Even yesterday he was hungry and I was holding him, his mouth was right by my breast and he started trying to latch. It tore me apart. I started crying and was basically inconsolable the rest of the afternoon.

Since I've been through this before I promise it gets better. My daughter is 10 now. She's at the top of her class. She's extremely healthy, she never gets sick like at all. And she's a VERY happy kid. Even if she struggled in school and wasn't as healthy, she is HAPPY.

By the time they are her age nobody cares if you were breastfed or not. It stops mattering. By then there will be new things to have mom guilt over. It's never ending, but this will pass. You're doing a great job and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
@emann Definitely normal to feel that way I think, but you’re doing great! In a few months when she starts eating solids, the guilt gets better. And then when baby is a year, the guilt goes away because nobody cares anymore!
@emann I EFF and I found I only felt guilt because of outside factors, otherwise I think I would have been fine. My child is now almost 2 and thriving and my next baby will be EFF too. You do you. You’re doing nothing wrong. And as far as the bonding thing goes - my kid would crawl back up into my stomach if they could 🤣