First vacation


New member
Wifey and I have our first trip/vacation since having our daughter in a few weeks. It’s equal parts exciting and super nerv racking. I’m worried I’m going to spend most of the trip worrying about our girl, whom is staying with the M.I.L. while we’re gone. What did you all do to coup with being gone? How’d you help your partner? Was it as bad as I think it’s going to be? Any advice is very welcome thanks team
@fluhnoogle I think this question might be better posed to r/dadit . Most of us here (with the exception of those who stuck around to offer advice to expectant dads) are expecting fathers, so we haven’t gone through that situation quite yet.

But congratulations on your first trip away! That is exciting! Best of luck!
@zipperh Ahhhh thanks for the redirect. Should have looked there. Good luck gentlemen, I just hit 6mos and it’s not easy but always rewarding. Y’all got this.