First US - Dating Question/Reassurance


New member
Hi everyone! Just had first US today at what I thought was 6w5d (based on LMP of 8/17). Pretty sure my O date was 9/5 based on temp/LH/first positive HCG test (vvvFL 9/14) which would put me at 6w0d. We saw gest sack, yolk sack, fetal pole, and showed “coloration” of cardiac activity but said it was too small to measure heartbeat. Based on the length of fetal pole, measuring 5w5d. Trying to stay positive but would love any feedback from anyone who has been in this situation either way.

Is it ok to be measuring a couple of days behind?

Does “cardiac activity” (colored movement) mean anything?

I go back in 8 days so should be definitive then.
@bev81 OB sonographer. If you should be 6w0d by your ovulation, then what you are describing is completely normal. The very first signs of a fetal pole is at 6w0d. Very small and sometimes difficult to measure HR. Color flow proves the flicker is there, since it wasn’t able to be proven by measurement.
@bev81 Since my ovulation never happens on Day 14 (which would make an LMP and ovulation-based EDD match completely), I always track the pregnancy in my mind according to my ovulation date. With this last pregnancy, I actually decided to give my provider an LMP date that was just my ovulation date minus 14 days. Your baby measuring just 2 days off from your ovulation date is completely fine. You didn't mention whether you did temping to confirm ovulation, but if you're like me and only used strips, then actually your ovulation could theoretically have happened a day before or after you assume it did, which makes your scenario even more hopeful. Bottom line: what you're seeing so far appears promising. Hope for more good news for you in the future!