FH surprised me with his first baby purchase for Christmas!


New member
I always knew FH wanted a baby and we talked about it all the time but he definitely surprised me with my Christmas gift this year.

Prior to Christmas we agreed no gifts this year. Christmas morning FH brings me into his office, tells me to sit down and read a note he typed up. I then opened a gift with tiny little crochet bootiesthat are suppose to resemble yeezy’s. I cried.

He is so happy/excited to become a dad but tends to be very reserved about it. He told me he wants to be the dad that hangs them in his car or hang them on our tree one day. I honestly never expected that from him and it completely warmed my heart! I always hoped that he would buy a little baby gift one day to show he was “ready” but didn’t think he would!

He also randomly txted me today saying “I ordered you more prenatals cause your bottle was getting low”. I’m normally not one to brag but, how the heck did I get so lucky?!

July can’t come soon enough!
@jollybadger I thought that too and can tell when he’s getting overwhelmed with information and I have to tone it down! But then he does stuff like this and I know we’re on the same page! I think most men have a sensor that says “I’m a man, so talking about cutesy little baby clothes and looking at baby things isn’t manly”, if that makes sense lol