Felt like a fool for going to A&E with reduced fetal movement

@salif I am sorry the midwife gave you the third degree. That is not professional and should not have happened. I would make a complaint. That is their job! It seems so many don’t even want to do their job anymore sadly. If that’s the case they should find a different line of work.
@salif My OB has told me up and down to call or come in if I have any questions or concerns, no matter how small. They have been amazing. I went in for reduced fetal movement at 28 weeks and the nurse held my hand until they found a heartbeat. She said no one should feel guilty about being worried. I'm sorry you went through this OP, but I think you made the right call.
@salif I went into early labor at 25 weeks and I did not really feel anything wrong - just didn’t feel RIGHT. I could have explained away what I was feeling easily, but my gut just couldn’t let it go. I decided to just stop by the hospital and let them tell me I was dumb and send me home. Ended up being transported to a major city with a NICU 2 hours from home for a week. Trust your gut and forget anyone who tries to make you feel bad about it.
@salif Everything I read and hear from midwives is absolutely go and get checked out if you're concerned about movements. They always say they'd rather you come in and it be nothing. That midwife sounds terrible. I'd complain about her and be glad you did the right thing.