@sisi I WISH more than anything my parents had more kids.
- I have two siblings
- built in friends who always do things with you and people you can always count on, learned a lot about sharing, compromising, being compassionate and caring, learned to be selfless, conflict resolution is easy. Cons, financially it’s harder to do more like travel or extracurricular activities but we still had a great deal of experiences, so not the end of the world. We were also very creative kids and made due with whatever was available. Dad passed away and my mom had to work more which is probably why financially it was more difficult
- I don’t think we were planned but cannot confirm
-3,6,9 years apart
-I wish we had more siblings indeed
-nope, never wished for less
- we’re all girls so maybe a brother but content with sisters too because we all go through similar things so more relatable.
- we’re all great and close, experienced a lot of trauma but we’ve always been really close and happy
- I have two right now (twins), ideally I’d love more if I’m capable I definitely will. I’d love a lot of kids, but realistically maybe 5?