Doctor wouldn’t prescribe me plan b and I felt dumb for asking

@maximizer I'm religious, but I refuse to go to a certain hospital in my area because they're run by Catholics. Not that I think catholics are bad, and there are many amazing doctors there, but the rules from the top impede doctors, especially obgyns, from doing their job. I know an OBGYN who practices at three of the hospitals, and she advises her high risk patients to see her at the clinic not at the catholic hospital.
@maximizer You could get a prescription from nurx online and have it sent to your local pharmacy. Or planned parenthood. Or try goodrx they are really fast usually. I also see people say there is a cheap option at Costco for plan b and also Amazon.
@maximizer You should absolutely not feel dumb for requesting Plan B. Asking for what you need is never dumb. I hope you can get a prescription from elsewhere; when you do so, I’d recommend asking for quantity 2 on the prescription so you can have some available to you ASAP in case you need it later