Felt like a fool for going to A&E with reduced fetal movement

@salif You 100% did the right thing. Better to act on a false alarm than not to act. You are (most likely), not a medical professional and you had no way of knowing. If this happens again (hoping it doesn’t 🤞), go to the hospital. It’s the right thing to do.

Ps: the same thing happened to me and the nurses encouraged me to return if I felt decreased fetal movement again, even if it was another false alarm
@salif Nah you did the absolute right thing. That's what OBs say to do - if you notice reduced movement, you call or go to labor and delivery to be evaluated.

You advocated for yourself and your babies. You made the right choice and I'd let that midwife know.
@salif Sorry that was your experience, every nurse or doctor has said to me we would always rather be safe than sorry. Any concerns, try to get them moving and if no luck, come in for a check. Glad you trusted your gut and that they are ok!
@salif I'm 30 weeks, and I had to get checked this morning for decreased movement. I didn't even express any regret over coming in when the nurse was able to find his heartbeat (she said she guessed he'd flipped/gone breech, so his movements would feel weaker and different than usual), just relief, and she reassured me multiple times that I absolutely did the right thing. She told me that even in the future, if I notice a decrease in movement again, to do what I did today. Come to the doctors if it's a weekday, go to the hospital if it's the weekend or at night. Get checked one way or another. She reassured me that any nurse or midwife would absolutely rather pregnant people with decreased movement come in to be checked, that it's better safe than sorry, they'd rather we get checked instead of sitting at home stressing since that's bad for us and the baby.

You definitely did the right thing. That nurse probably was just in a bad mood and not handling it properly, or just isn't that compassionate. She just sounds grumpy, you did the right thing and should absolutely do it again if you feel the need to in the future.
@salif You absolutely did the right thing. You took all the right steps and didn’t even go straight there or call your doctor right away (which I would have done 😂) I’m so sorry they made you feel like you over reacted. Eff her- all that matters is you and baby are safe and healthy , good job mama ♥️
@salif My midwife actually told me to call immediately with any changes in fetal movement, and/or feeling less than 10 movements in a 2 hour period, starting from week 24 when I saw her last (seemed early based on what I've read).

This has made me uncomfortable because it's still not unusual for me to feel him a ton for days and then hardly at all for days, so I never know what to do, but I think it's better safe than sorry and I'm sorry she made you feel that way! I'm slightly averse to going to the doctor in general because of that feeling.
@salif I went to the hospital the day before I went into labor because when they checked my cervix the day before it caused me to start spotting. I didn’t know how much blood was too much but looking back on it I wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t looking for it
@salif This midwife can go to hell. It's your babies and you know their routine better. In the end, if anything had gone wrong and you hadn't go e check, the midwife would not be the one affected. So yeah, you did right and she can go f herself.
@salif My midwife team was always in the camp of "if you have any concerns, call us or come in. That's what we're here for and we want to make sure you and your twins are healthy!" So I'd say you absolutely did the right thing. Especially with twins (like I said, been there myself too). Her attitude towards you is 100% her own shit and not actually because you did anything wrong!
@salif I’ll move the hell in if I feel like it’s necessary. My insurance covers it and if I don’t feel right I want answers. I don’t have any guilt or shame.
@salif Yeah and if you did nothing but google it and there WAS a problem you'd get shit for it and never forgive yourself. You absolutely did right thing momma!
@salif Get a new midwife. You did the right thing. Every time I went in (quite a few times) they said that’s why they are there and they understand. And that they push and push to everyone to be safe than sorry.
Don’t let them tell you different. Find a new person if they make you feel uncomfortable about that.
@salif My midwife all but beat that into me with all 4 pregnancies. YOU did exactly what you’re supposed to do, and do it again if you think you need to. That midwife sounds wretched.
@salif NICU nurse here. You absolutely did the right thing! I’m sorry she made you feel bad about your decision, but I want you to know you made the right decision. Keep up the good work, it sounds like you know exactly what to do to take care of your babies. Always go with your gut instinct.
@salif Don’t worry about inconveniencing anybody! You know your babies better than them. I had to go in twice during my pregnancy and I’m glad I did! Second time I had to get a c-section because baby’s heart rate was dropping way low and I’m so glad I went and got checked out!
@salif I have heard way, way too many horror stories about decreased fetal movement. They should never have shamed you, you followed all the steps and did the right thing.
@salif Just because this is probably what a normal day at work is like for her DOES NOT mean that this was not an important event for you! Sorry she was dismissive of you - but you did the right thing. Glad everything is okay.