Felt like a fool for going to A&E with reduced fetal movement

@salif Honestly, complain about the midwife to PALS.

You absolutely did the right thing going in to check. I remember I went last summer and even though everything was fine and covid was a thing, the team were so kind and reassuring that I'd done the right thing.

Glad you and your babies are ok
@salif I feel you. I recently went to the ER for severe side pain right where my gallbladder is. They moved me from the downstairs ER up to the maternity ward since I’m 3rd trimester. I was there for over 12 hours having tests and stuff ran. At around 7am, after I had two call lights ignored (the pain meds they gave me made me to dizzy to use the bathroom by myself), I heard the nurses outside talk about how I was faking it and taking up a bed and they weren’t going to come in to “just bring me water”. My ultrasound tech came in to check out my organs and such and was livid that I hadn’t been to the bathroom the whole time I was there. I don’t know why some of the staff has to be mean. We don’t enjoy being there anymore than they do and they get paid for it so XD
@salif That midwife is an absolute asshat!

PLEASE report her to a senior or to any group that listens to medical feedback, her behaviour is entirely inappropriate and you ALWAYS SHOULD run to them to get checked if you notice any change in movements! She will be the reason many who interact with her will now not get checked for this stuff. and thats sad and dangerous
@salif It’s better to be safe than sorry. You absolutely did the right thing, don’t let anyone discourage you. You know your babies and your body the best, always trust yourself over anyone else’s opinions.
@salif I would report that midwife!! It is important to go in whenever you feel something is wrong - even though happily everything is fine 9/10 times, there is always the chance that something actually is wrong. I post all the time about it but I had the same situation, felt no movement and went in 4 times - the first 3 times my baby kicked like crazy as soon as the sensors were put on of course, but the 4th time it was actual an emergency situation and i was immediately induced. If I had sat at home another day my baby would probably have died. It is so scary to think about because I was so close to not going in because I felt stupid and it would be another 'waste of time' like the first 3 times I went in.
@salif You did the right thing!!!

The risk/reward is you feel silly for a minute for being cautious, but had something been wrong it could have literally saved your babies’ lives! Keep trusting your instincts and doing what you’re doing!
@salif You definitely did the right thing! I have a friend who had decreased fetal movement and didn’t say anything because she wasn’t sure- turned out that she had low amniotic fluid and almost lost the baby. It is better to check!!
@salif Fuck her, file a complaint. This sub is full of stories of people going to the emergency room for just this reason, finding out the babies are safe, and being told they did the right thing. Maybe she should go into a different line of work if she doesn’t like giving good news.

Edit to add: I am so glad your twins are OK! Hopefully you get used to the new positions they’re in soon so you can rest easy each morning when they start dancing in you. ❤️
@salif Better you go and its nothing than not go (for fear of being ridiculed) and it being something. Just keep going if you think something is off.
@salif You did exactly what you’re supposed to do. Especially given that you’re carrying twins. That midwife just needs to find a new career.
@salif Midwife is trash, wtf. Everything you read,hear and learn, if you feel less movement or if you're concerned at any point, go in!

Find a new midwife if you can. Not someone i would want around me during the birth of my child.
@salif You did the right thing. I told my doctor I felt decreased fetal movement towards the end of my labor and she didn’t think anything of it but gave me a non stress test anyway. Guess who got send to the hospital from the doctors office and induced?
@salif I went in at 33 weeks because she wasn't moving. I would rather have the peace of mind. She is my first and probably only. There is no shame in wanting to know your baby is ok.
@salif Like, every story I hear about UK midwives makes me think they are awful. Don't get me wrong, the there some version of this BS everywhere I assume. And I certainly can't pretend the US has a good healthcare system. But every story I hear about UK midwives is bad.
@salif I think you were totally in the right. Sounds like maybe your midwife was having a bad day. The way she reacted was not appropriate at all. What you described is exactly what they tell you to watch out for!
@salif You did the right thing. You are the mom, you know your babies movements best and your number one job is advocating for yourself and your children. I guarantee if you were to have called your doctor they would have told you the same exact thing. Good for you for making the right call, that little bit of peace of mind is very important.
@salif You did the right thing. You are absolutely not an idiot. You know your babies. You know their routine & their patterns. Anytime you feel worried or like their movement is abnormal, going in is 100% the right thing to do. You’re a great mom!
Also, you are not alone at all. Most people I know have a similar story of going in to get checked out, everything being fine, & then feeling silly about having gone in. Totally normal. I went in around 34 weeks because my baby was moving so much I was worried she was in distress. It’s funny to look back on now, but at the time I was genuinely worried & going in to check on baby made me feel better