Feelings you’d have twins..?

@twinmum I had a dream over 5 years ago that I had twins (a boy and a girl). In that dream I was in the hospital holding them both in my arms and feeling complete and just incredible grateful. They even had names that I remembered. After waking up I felt sad and empty. I told my boyfriend and friends this story too and everyone was saying that it would be crazy if I just saw a glimpse of my future. My boyfriend wasn’t fully convinced of the girls name yet (Mila) but I told him that if I really ever get pregnant with twins, then that is what we will name her. Fast forward to 2021, I went to my doctor bc I feeling nauseous and sick. We then made an ultrasound and he told me I was pregnant. Me and boyfriend were so excited and happy but we both were like “so not twins then?” guess my dream was just a dream.

Two weeks later I have another doctor’s appointment and suddenly there are two ?! We found out the gender when they were 5 months old and the doctor asked me if I have a suspicion. I told her that I already named them and that my girl is on the right side and my boy on the left. She first laughed but then she said that my suspicion was correct. These momenta might seem tiny but it was the craziest moments that me and my now husband experienced. Each day is a new challenge but we are so so grateful to have them in our life❤️
@twinmum From the time i was teeny tiny and first found out about twins, I've wanted them. I wanted to BE a twin, until i figured out that was determined before i had a choice 😂 so i decided i would have to get pregnant with them instead and told God that's what i wanted. The desire never went away.

Shortly after i tested positive, i had a feeling it was two. I told my husband, he thought i was imagining things. Before we walked into the appointment he said last chance, final answer, how many do you think there are? I said I'm convinced there are 2! He laughed. During ultrasound, the lady said, um, do twins run in your family? I said nope, and she showed us the screen. My husband's jaw dropped and his eyes got huge, then he started tearing up cuz he was so happy! I was THRILLED and felt so validated!

God definitely gave me the desires of my heart in this instance. I've since told Him that I'd be ok with a second set. When we try for a 3rd baby and final pregnancy, I'll be happy with whatever the result is, but I'm hoping for a second set.l, boys this time. 😁
@twinmum When my wife found out she was pregnant with our second, I said “great, we’re done after this”. She said “no way, I want 3”. I said “in that case you better make this twins”. She did.
@twinmum I had never considered the fact that having twins would be possible for me, I always thought that’s something that only happens to other people. I did have some inkling before finding out. I joked with my sisters that it was twins in the way to my ultrasound and had been saying there’s either two in there or I’m way further along than we think. Turns out there was two and I was a month less pregnant than I thought.
@twinmum When the ultrasound tech asked "do you have twins in your family?" (ended up being moot since ours are fraternal), it honestly felt more like confirmation than anything.

I had been pregnant once previously and I felt SO much more nauseous the second time around. I also had a crazy spike in HCG , so I just kind of knew.
@twinmum For our first baby girl, before the ultrasound, we talked about how fun twins would be and get the 2 kids right away that we wanted, a boy and girl.

For the 2nd pregnancy, we didn't make that joke and it wasn't even a thought.

I didn't even get to go into the ultrasound because covid had just started. I got to find out in the parking lot when my wife came out. And they were b/g.

I still can't believe it lol
@twinmum I had always wanted twins growing up. They didn’t really run strong in my family however, the last pair being over 70 years ago and one had died in childbirth. Anyway, after our first son I had put the thought of having twins into the back of my mind because we had planned for only two kids. My husband and I also joked that if we had twins we wouldn’t have had to have anymore kids. That obviously changed when we went in for my first appointment with this second pregnancy and the ultrasound tech said, “Oh, there’s two!” Which I immediately replied that she was joking and she obviously wasn’t. I’m currently 26+4 and we’re over the moon excited along with both of our families! I keep having to remind myself that this is actually real and happening because it still seems like a dream.

ETA: my mom and grandma have also always joked that it was going to be me to have twins over any of the other two granddaughters.
@twinmum I had no inkling whatsoever. My husband was inexplicably convinced from the moment we found out I was pregnant that it was twins. I thought he was crazy. Never going to live that down.

Also TWO of my close coworkers, separately, when I told them it was twins the day I found out, said “you just now found that out? For some reason I already had it in my head that it was twins so I thought you must have told me it was”
@twinmum Me! There are twins in my family, so it wasn’t out of nowhere. But as long as I can remember I saw myself as a twin mom. When I played house as a kid I had two stuffed bunnies who were my twins. When I talked to friends about having kids I said that I would probably have twins. When I found out I was pregnant my husband joked that maybe it was twins like I always thought. I told him I was pretty sure it was. Sure enough….
@twinmum I always wanted twins growing up but resigned myself to the fact that it most likely wouldn’t happen (laughing about it now).

My twins were the 4th pregnancy. Looking back, I feel like I should have known something was up…from week 5 (positive test) to week 13 (ultrasound where twins were first found) my belly was rock hard and I constantly felt full - like I had just ate the whole buffet. I had never had that in any other pregnancy. The fullness feeling continued until about week 25 - or maybe it was there but I was distracted by babies moving 🤷🏻‍♀️
@twinmum Yes! It wasn’t a specific moment but I’ve always vibed with the idea of twins. It was like a pinned thought in my head. I had secondary infertility after my first baby so there were four years that I felt taunted by it. Then I had my second singleton and conceived my twins 8 months postpartum!
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@twinmum I always had a feeling I would have twins. My parents said I played with two baby dolls when I was a kid and said I was going to have twins one day. When I went to my first ultrasound (alone, because of Covid) I yelled out “I knew it!” when I saw them. They’re 2 and a half now! Boy/girl twins.
@twinmum I didn’t at all! But my husband had a feeling. When we first started trying, he said it was going to be a set of twin boys and I laughed like “yeah right!”

We tried for a while before I got pregnant and during that time he had three separate dreams that we had twins and one dream that we had triplets. Somehow I was still shocked when the doctor said “twins” and he was like “I knew it!”
@twinmum I always thought if I ever had kids it’d be twins. Didn’t decide to until later in life. Started trying and immediately…boom twins. Wasn’t very surprised but definitely shocked coming around to the idea of from zero kids to 2 lol.