Feeling like a failure

@hesta Not sure how this is helpful, let’s assume for a second you’re right, how does this comment serve to address the concerns I’ve raised other than giving you an opportunity to give a self righteous response?
@thudomi1582 The behaviour is not necessarily ADHD related. I have ADHD, and my youngest child was diagnosed earlier this year. She is compliant, and has very few behavioural issues.

See a doctor, but seek help without going in armed with your own diagnosis. Your wife might be more open to diagnosis/ treatment options if they come from someone else.
@crystalhello Thank you, I have never told her what I think it may be (I’m not qualified to diagnose a cold), I’ve just said that there are certain things I find concerning and we should keep an eye on them.

A doctor's assessment is definitely in the near future for him, this post was more about getting advice from people like yourself who have personal experience.

Thank you very much.