Feeling like a bit of a failure

@byhimforhim My baby is six weeks old and I’m having decent success following the approach I learned from a book called Babywise. Pretty much it starts with getting your baby to do a FULL feed. This required waking her up when she’d fall asleep on the boob/bottle. From there, she’ll nap for longer (2-3hrs) and you repeat the pattern. That starts your schedule pattern. After about 4wks old, she started sleeping longer stretches during the night. I think it’s because she was getting enough food and sleep during the day from her feed/play/nap cycles every 2 1/2 hrs. Now she wakes up just once during the night for a 2am feeding. We start the cycles back up at 630 am. It’s been bumpy but we’re making progress! I can’t recommend the book enough. If you’d like to chat, message me!
@byhimforhim My baby doesn't even know her own cues sometimes lol. She'll start trying to eat anything that comes near her mouth but then when you give her the bottle she won't take it or let go after a few sucks. I'll wait a couple minutes and try again and she sucks it like I haven't fed her in 12 hours lol. My pediatrician has 5 kids of her own and says every single one was different and you just gotta learn together as you go. Mine is two months today and is starting to sleep for 5-7 hours at night but will still have random days of not sleeping and we do the same routine.
@byhimforhim If it makes you feel any better, my wife and I immediately think he needs different things. 99% of the time I think he needs changed/snuggled and 99% of the time she thinks he’s hungry. Sometimes she’s right, sometimes I’m right. Basically what I’m trying to say is..we all know nothing and are guessing until these things can actually talk 😂