Feeding too much? Cluster feeding?


New member
At the end of the post is one day of the feeding schedule for my little one. I am worried because this has been our schedule for about 2 weeks - Little One is a little over 4 weeks old.

I imagine that the bouncing between breasts is cluster feeding but I also worry because it seems like cluster feeding shouldn't be lasting that long. The formula feedings aren't something that we plan to change, but my little one only seems fully satisfied after formula feedings.

Any guidance, advice, similar stories would be appreciated. I guess I just worried that I'm not producing enough even though it seems like LO is getting milk each feeding (based on how the nipple shield looks, which I need for flat nipples)

First column is if it's a breast or formula, second is the time of day feeding starts, last column is how long for the feed or how many ml

R 0:02 20 min

Formula 0:33 80ml

Formula 1:00 40ml

Formula. 4:45 120ml

Formula. 5:15 40ml

Formula 8:05 120ml

L 10:28 20 min

R 10:54 20 min

R 11:23 18 min

L 11:51 12 min

Vitamin D 12:35 .25 ml

Formula 12:36 95ml

L 13:08 15 min

R 16:12 22 min

L 16:36 22 min

R 17:04 20 min

L 17:29 20 min

Formula 18:10 60ml

L 20:09 20 min

R 20:34 20 min

L 21:10 18 min

R 21:54 17 min

L 22:30 20 min

R 23:05 19 min

Formula 23:47 110ml
@seeking_him1982 I’m confused if you are trying to breastfeed or formula (or combo). What is the question you are trying to ask? If at 4 weeks you are going 10+ hours without nursing your supply is going to drop significantly. You’re also offering nearly an entire days worth of formula, while also trying to nurse 7 or 8 times a day. What are your goals?
@maidenhisimage We are combo feeding. When Im awake only really offering formula to give myself a break and ensure my supply is up.

Ideally, id like to continue breast feeding and using formula only at night. I'm mostly worried that the cycle of feeding between breast's indicates that my LO isn't getting enough- if this is cluster feeding the schedule is unlike anything I've read about. Hope that makes sense.
@seeking_him1982 Evenings are very common for increased cluster feeding the first few weeks due to it being a comfort option. My son would stay latched nearly constantly from about 7 pm till midnight until he was 6 or so weeks old. Taking both breast at this age is also very common. But I would worry that going so long overnight and through the early morning (which is when milk production is typically at its highest early on) will really impact supply and make it hard to maintain. I personally don’t have any experience with combo feeding to know how to balance offering both breast and formula and maintain a supply.
@seeking_him1982 Do you feel full in the morning after going so long? Bc having a feed last 45 minutes to an hour and flipping sides is not entirely odd that early as they work on becoming more efficient feeders. Cause what I’m seeing looks more like 3 feeds that are extended since you aren’t getting a break
Between the sides. Where my normally experience with cluster feeding will have 30-45 minutes unlatched before starting again.
@seeking_him1982 Have you had a weighted feed or baby check out for ties. They might not be transferring efficiently cause I can’t imagine a feed needing to take almost 2 hours if you are full. I know my hospital LC offered free weighted feeds if you called ahead to see what baby is actually transferring