Favorite Safe Road Trip Toys/Activities for Toddlers!


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What are your favorite SAFE road trip toys for toddlers?

Idk if I’m going crazy, but so many online idea lists don’t exactly seem to have safety in mind.

Most of the recommended items have small pieces/marketed for age 3+ (isn’t that preschool and not toddler?) or are from questionable brands.

I’ll be doing this road trip solo, so I can’t be in the backseat managing things in mouth or helping them figure things out.

Anyways, my main criteria are:
1) not a choking hazard
2) from a reputable brand (we avoid Amazon alphabet soup sellers)
3) soft/light/smallish (aka not a huge injury risk if it were to become a projectile)

Totally not against some screen time on a travel day, but my 1.5 year old can’t manage a tablet by himself.

Things we already have/are planning to bring:
-Indestructible books/small board books
-Water wow
-Pop tubes
- K’s Kids Teddy Bear (one of those toys with zippers/buckles/Velcro)
-Little People animals

What else has worked well for you?
@caitm The spinners by Fat Brain Toys are fun. They have a suction cup but honestly kiddo played with them not mounted on window

Dimpl by Fat Brain toys is a go to for us.
@chefapple Ah yes great idea! We have both of those but they’re rotated away in the closet - I’ll definitely be breaking those out. Thank you!
@caitm Music. Mine are all prone to motion sickness, so toys and books are big no-nos in the back seat. Music that's fun to sing along to is especially good.
@katty143 Same here! And audiobooks started working very well for us around age 3 and onward, for long trips where they'd get bored of several hours of music
@caitm What I've learned is nothing holds their attention for long. The trick is to bring new toys they have not seen before. Even some teething toys or rattles work if they're new. And keep them up front with you and dole them out when they get antsy. Singing, talking, taking lots of breaks to stretch, and timing the trip around their natural nap time to give you an hour of quiet.
@mckayla17 I also wrap my toys in paper (anything really I have lying around- like packing paper or used construction paper). Buys a couple extra second or minutes and maybe more intrigue?
@caitm Books that sing or have musical buttons to push- I have found at Goodwill used or Target new (v-tech is the brand we have). I have selected these for the car based on whatever looks the most garish/obnoxious lol, guaranteed to be the biggest car hit. For regular books, my kids have also been huge fans of the big Bustletown books at that age. They can "read" them alone and look at them for hours. Fun for adults too. https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/rotra...yBoCDoYQAvD_BwE#isbn=3791374222&idiq=47108710

Also depends on the toddler but my kids have loved loved looking through real photo prints of themselves and family/friends at this age. You can put in an album or give them a little box to hold. Yes, photos do end up all over the floor and in some cases crushed but not a choking hazard and not as hard to clean up as many other items!
@caitm How long is the trip? I honestly don't bring anything for my kids. Sometimes they decide on books or coloring things, but at 1.5yo, it was nothing. They just enjoy the views from the road or nap.
@caitm We have a long commute to daycare and the yoto player with stories are super helpful. Peppa pig and Daniel Tiger are my faves. At 1.5 he had trouble controlling it himself but now a year later it’s a lifesaver