Favorite parenting resources for boomer grandparents?


New member
Hi all, looking for some good material to share with some slightly old fashioned grandparents to help them understand some of the ways we do things now. In particular, not pushing kids for hugs, validating emotions, following the child’s lead, etc. Interested in books as well as podcasts or anything else, an e-course would be great and especially any content specifically targeted toward (and/or produced by) grandparents. Thanks for any suggestions!
@wwwhhh You have Boomers in your life receptive to this? That would like actually read a book or listen to a podcast if you asked them to educate themselves with it? Sorry, if this is the case, my mind is blown. lol.
@wwwhhh Our midwife/OB office offered birthing and parenting classes. In addition they offered a grandparent class to explain how many things have changed when caring for an infant.

Not sure how old your little one is, this particular class was definitely geared toward under 1.

Edit to add - I go to a RIE inspired playgroup with a facilitator who talks about respectful parenting concepts with our 3 and under kids. If you have something like that local could grandparents attend with you or take your child to group?