Fav post-partum rehab courses?


New member
I'm going to have my baby any day now, and want to get ready to shift my focus to post-partum rehab. I care a lot about doing the right steps to rehab carefully to eventually get back to full functionality. Mainly, I like to do crossfit.

Is anyone doing an online post partum rehab program they like/recommend? Ones I've looked at so far include:

- Every Mother (My doc recommended it, but I tried some of there prenatal stuff and just found is so incredibly boring)

- Ready to Run Postpartum from Strong Bodies Strong Mamas (not perfect for me b/c I'm not actually a runner, but since runnign is one of the hardest things to get back to, seems kind of good?)

- Mamaste Postpartum Online Programming (this one seems great with the PT focus, but it might just be e-books, not actual videos and stuff?)

Note, I already have a pelvic floor PT and plan to see her at 6 weeks PP (her recommendation) to get personally assessed, but I find that working on a program on your own is a good supplement to the individual help.
@pauellcowl Barre3 just released a postpartum program and have classes for 0-6 weeks (breath work for transverse abs), 6-12 weeks and 12+ weeks postpartum. I’m 9 weeks pp and have been doing it, not super challenging but a real focus on core work and restoring that connection so I feel like it’s a good foundation so I can return to more challenging strength work soon.
@pauellcowl I did Brianna Battles postpartum course last time and loved it. Will definitely do it again this time round. She’s a cross fitter so it might suit you well.
@pauellcowl I had a C section and started the Sweet app post pregnancy program at 5 months post when I felt ready. It starts really gentle and I'm on week 5 and it's starting to get really good and I feel confident I'm not going to hurt myself as I have a lot of weakness.
@pauellcowl I believe mamaste has videos explaining the exercises but the workout itself is shown in text format. I'm doing their online childbirth prep class now and I really like it