F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

@mcg1102 An easy way to ensure a 6 week scan would find something is to draw blood two to three days before. If your numbers are too low you’ll know in advance you won’t find anything on ultra sound. You only need a receptionist and a phlebotomist for that and it will also provide some useful information if the pregnancy is abnormal.
@janeenjoy I agree that early ultrasounds can be an important tool for early detection, and I think women who request them should be accommodated when possible. But as someone who works in medicine, a “2 minute ultrasound” is only 2 mins for the patient. It takes an entire team to schedule you, check you in, a nurse and provider both take time to review your chart so they understand your clinical picture, then they conduct the ultrasound. After that, they evaluate any imaging or physical findings, document all findings and your interaction in the charting system, and then send off any orders needed. That takes quite a bit of time behind the scenes.

If 6-week ultrasounds to rule out ectopics were the norm, it would be an immense challenge to women’s medicine teams. This isn’t to negate any of the suffering of women who have had incompetent providers who didn’t hear their complaints when they had symptoms. I believe providers should listen to their patients and be willing to accommodate requests, such as an early ultrasound, if a patient is truly concerned. But I agree with the MD above who described the reasoning behind why many women don’t receive this as part of standard care, it isn’t feasible for the general whole and also isn’t warranted in most circumstances.

Medicine can always be improved. I hope in time we have better methods for detection and/or improved access to cost-effective, early ultrasound technology for anyone who seeks it. Hope you didn’t find my remark inflammatory, just presenting a different side of the coin.

Wishing you, and everyone else here, good luck on this tumultuous journey that is TTC. We’re all on the same team after all 🌎
@christlovrrrr First of all — fuck that, fuck whatever garbage higher power did this to you and I hope they choke on a bag of dicks. I’m so sorry this happened! Your humour and positivity through this complete bullshit pile of a situation is contagious! Get well, and let that remaining tube mentally prepare itself to do some heavy lifting when you’re ready.

In all seriousness, give yourself permission to do whatever the fuck you want while you’re healing and be obnoxiously kind to yourself. 💗
@christlovrrrr I’m so sorry that you went though this ❤️ I hope you are healing well both physically and mentally.

I know sometimes people don’t want to here hopeful comments so please ignore if you’re not ready. I want to share in case you want it.

My best friend had an ovarian cyst burst when she was 20 weeks pregnant. She lost the baby and one of her F tubes. She has heartbroken and worried she wouldn’t be able to conceive another child. She though her chances were cut in half and it would take forever. 2 months later she was pregnant and has a healthy 1 year old boy now. It happens.
@prayerful378 Thanks for sharing your story (or friend’s story)! It’s nice to hear about a happy ending. I know so many women face substantial adversity to get there, always heartwarming to hear success.
@prayerful378 It’s been remarkable how many similar stories I’ve heard since being so open and honest about my recent experience. It certainly gives me the warm-fuzzies every time, so thanks for this!
@christlovrrrr Oof I feel this so hard. I finally got a positive test and got to enjoy it for about a week before I got diagnosed ectopic pregnancy. Spent hours in the ER and by the time they had me prepped for surgery it had just ruptured. They left it in which I’m kinda annoyed about cause now I’ve got a useless blocked left tube where my dominant ovary likes to send eggs off into 🙄
@stepcoach Every treatment at my clinic (TI, IUI, IVF) majority of eggs/ovulation was always on the left and my doctor mentioned it as well. With IVF I had like six eggs on the left and two on the right
@katrina2017 Oh I see! I already have a doctor's appointment next week and I'm definitely going to mention this. I can't seem to get pregnant anymore (not easy at least) after the left tube ruptured and got removed.
@christlovrrrr Please take your time to heal emotionally. Emergency surgery is scary, loss is scary. It can mess us up if we're not careful.

I'll never forget the doctor telling me I was lucky to be alive after my emergency ectopic surgery, and all I could think was 'if this is what lucky looks like, I don't want it'

Take your time. I'm so sorry for your loss.
r/ectopicsupportgroup and r/ectopicpregnancy were both invaluable to me, I hope they help you too x