F**k viruses

I’m done. F**k these microscopic, non-living pieces of shit.

No one in our house has been healthy for months. Personally, yesterday was the first time I felt like a healthy human being since December 22nd and guess who wakes up with a fresh sore throat? This bitch. And not to speak of October or November, but it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

Parenting is hard, but parenting sick is a new circle of hell.

At this point, I’m just hoping to make it to April with my sinuses and ears intact.

Stay strong, comrades.
@mynameishephzibah Preach! This household has never been sick so much in the last three months. It’s insane. I don’t even know who’s had what anymore but my god I am sick of it. The kicker for me. My kid isn’t even in daycare. I don’t understand where all the funk keeps coming from.
@oliviate My kids aren't in daycare either. We are on day 12 of a sickness that just won't go away. Of course I'm (SAHM) the sickest and have very little help since I don't want my parents getting sick. I don't think I've left the house since Christmas except to go to the doctor or pharmacy. The house is an absolute wreck and I'm too exhausted to do anything about it. My 2.5 year old picked this week to develop the skills to get into EVERYTHING. We've done minimal baby proofing (other than actual dangerous stuff) since we never needed it before. My kids are acting like feral excessive screen-time beasts and we're stuck in the house because it's too cold.
@oliviate Do you see family? Play groups? Go to birthday parties with little kids?

My kids aren’t in daycare either but we live near family and they have cousins who are toddlers. I feel like a loooot of people lie about or just dismiss illnesses and keep going to family events, especially during the holidays.
@emekrus And that is why masking my family masks and it has been working. It saves parents from calling in sick and loosing $$$ and kids can be happy and healthy. Plus it's so easy (we've had years of practice now).
@rena1999 ProjectN95 has lots of good masks. I usually prefer N95, KN95 or KF94 as opposed to surgical or cloth (that could have more leakage). Of course the best mask is one that fits your child well (you feel no air gaps if they blow hard while its on) and that they can keep it on. Now I've seen a lot of really cute ones too with prints and of different colors too on other websites and on amazon.

Below are some articles that also feature kids masks:




@emekrus The birthday parties at the indoor playgrounds are really the worst. I caught diarrhea that lasted for WEEKS and I had to wear a fucking diaper. I got invited to another party at the same place and I truly am not going to go
@oliviate Also on Good Morning America they when discussed the rise of respiratory illnesses (00:58 of video) “We now have evidence that covid decreases our immune response which makes us more susceptible to infection…” By now so many people have had at covid that I'm not surprised our bodies can't function like they used to. Has your kid had covid?
@downtherabbithole It's hilarious that a snippet on GMA is more credible proof to most than 1000s of actual studies clearly showing covid is a harmful vascular disease since 2020. Thank you for sharing because I get it, that's where the public is at. Just, what a world.
@sol4j Oh I hear you. I have immunocompromised family so I'm well aware of risks but sometimes you just gotta meet people where they are at and even if you help a few it can help on the chain of transmission.
@downtherabbithole Yeah we had covid for the first time in October and since then we’ve been constantly sick with different things. My partner and I have had more viruses in the last three months than we had in the preceding ten years. I’m not surprised that covid screws your immune system, our experience matches with that.
@rhemajoy Oh goodness. Please mask up and try to avoid reinfection. I've heard long covid is the worse and can be debilitating (plus no cure either). I am so sad that most schools and daycare centers didn't upgrade hvac systems to clean the air back when there was government money to do so. Now the problem just keeps repeating.
@downtherabbithole It's absolutely wild to me that this wasn't an outcome of the pandemic. Why do we spend billions on defence but many of our schools don't have a relatively affordable upgrade that keeps kids healthier.