F*&! daylight savings

@frogprof Yep. Fuck them in the fucking ear.

On top of his routine being royally fucked, he's got a cold, we've just had to stop swaddling because he's started showing signs of turning over and his first tooth appeared.

The universe can eat my ass right now.
@victory76 You certainly are my friend.

On the positive side, I reached out for help and my sister is coming to collect him and have him overnight. His first ever night away from me.

I'm skipping between 3 feelings about this:

1). Omg! A night off, sleep! Sweet beautiful uninterrupted SLEEP

2). I'm the worst mother in the world. I'm sending him away. And while he has a cold.

3). I'm going to miss him SO BAD 😭😭😭

I've been assured thus is a normal parental response.
@johnny394 My 13 week old has spent 2 nights so far with his Gigi, and I can't help but feel 1) proud of myself for letting him spend the night with someone else and 2) like a bad mom for offloading him on my mom twice so early in his life. 😂
She took him a couple of hours ago. I just called for an update and he's miserable. Cried the entire time. Feel so much worse now. 😭😭😭
@johnny394 I think it’s so healthy for parents to have their kids get accustomed to staying with trusted caretakers! We did this for the first time when my son was 3m old and it was such a needed break for me, but as a bonus he is now 13m and really great about staying over at his grandparents’ houses. The first time is the hardest!
@emmy_88 It didn't work unfortunately. He cried all the time and refused to eat (really unlike him, he's usually a gannet) at my sisters so she brought him home. She had him for roughly 5 hours, so he was miserable for 5 hours. I only slept for an hour of that as I thought I had the whole night. He came back later than his normal bedtime as well, and was so excited to see us and hungry that he didn't go down for another 2 hours. All in all it was a bit of a shitshow. Ain't parenting fun? Lol
@fox4god It's shit, ain't it. My poor little man is worse today and so am I. I hope you and your bubba get well soon, and that me and my bubba do too. Hugs x