F*&! daylight savings

@frogprof My little man's schedule got thrown off on Halloween, so we decided to try to slowly adjust it throughout the week so DLS wasn't a big deal. Yeah.... we adjusted it too far. So now he's even more thrown off 😵‍💫 and he's teething
@frogprof Where I live, they had a vote last year on whether or not to quit doing daylight savings time. The province on one side of us has never done it. The other side just voted to quit doing it. So I think the most recent one may have been their last? I don’t know for sure.

Anyway. My province voted to keep it. WHY!

Apparently people were up in arms about the direction they planned to choose (staying on daylight time, Aka summer time, rather than standard time). But like… in winter we down to like 6-7h of daylight or something anyway. In summer, we get up to like 18h. Does it matter exactly when those hours happen if during the winter it’s going to be dark morning and night, and in summer it will be bright on both ends?

And thus ends my hopes of not having to transition my kids while they’re young. I’m sure it will end eventually. At which point my kids will be older and not living with finely tuned internal clocks haha
@frogprof I’m usually hating it too but I got up naturally 40 mins early than usual so I was able to go to the gym, chores, and coffee+reading before my 8:30am start time. That’s a rarity for me

Write to your house representative. There's a bill being held up by the house to end this stupid practice. It passed the senate and is being held up by the dumbasses in the house of representatives.​

Here's who your house rep is: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

Here's fucking twitter: Fucking Twitter

Here's the bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/623/all-actions?overview=closed#tabs

Get to it.

BTW, this stupid practice in the USA was done to "reduce energy consumption". Guess what didn't happen...
@frogprof Daylight Savings Time starts in March and ends in November, so now we’re back on Standard time, or the time it should be all year if we didn’t screw ourselves in the spring by moving the clocks forward an hour. That was so much worse for us cuz it stays light out later and later and it’s so much harder to get the kids to bed when it stays light out until 9pm.
@frogprof Yes. Why is it still a thing here? My 6 month old has kept me up so much during the night-and now has decided 5:30 is the time to be awake. Riddle me how that makes sense. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE