F*&! daylight savings

@frogprof I felt so bad for how confused my daughter was yesterday. It caused her to really struggle with transitions during the day as I think she just totally lost her grasp on what should happen when.
@frogprof My 3.5 month had just gotten to the point where he'd sleep almost all the way through the night. He was getting up in the middle for one night feed. It was glorious. I didn't think the time change would throw his schedule off that bad, but nope he was up three separate times last night. He was up for the day at about 4:30. Fuck the time change.
@frogprof He made it to 6 yesterday but was up at 4 today 😵‍💫 after an hour I got him back to sleep before my husband accidentally woke him up at 545. I could have punched him
@frogprof We thought we were so smart preparing in a few minute increments this last week only for it to not matter and still screw us in a small orfice
@frogprof I've been dealing with it since I was a kid. It's never really easy when you have to turn back the clock an hour or move it forward an hour on a Saturday night.
@frogprof Turns out we picked the perfect week to have his early rising grandma visit. This morning after a rousing game of "the changing table is lava" at 5 she popped out and said "I've got him, go back to bed"
@frogprof This time change I managed for the first time to change my son's (22 months) bedtime routine by 15 minutes starting a couple weeks ahead of time.

So, usually routine starts at 630, kid in bed by 730. We started doing 645 start time, then 7 and finally 715. It worked really well.

Sure, my son still woke up at 5 AM as usual on Sunday, but at least it wasn't 4 AM.

For the previous time changes we were just shit out of luck, though: teething, regressions, and stomach bug. Ugh. It was chaos.
@frogprof DST came right at what is hopefully the end of her first wonder week. Super gassy baby and she does NOT like the new sensations this mental leap brought.

Add to that the fact that she hasn’t pooped in 6 days and we’re in for a ride. (She’s BF, midwife said it’s fine, I just think she’s gassy and hates it).
@frogprof I just pushed her(10 weeks old) schedule by 15-30 minutes, like if she was content I let her be content for 15-30 minutes after she was due for a feed, and we are back on our regular schedule today. It definitely was a pain in the ass, but I feel lucky my little girl just went with the flow.