F*&! daylight savings

@frogprof Checking in from my kid’s latest and greatest sleep regression here, which started about a week before DST hit and screwed everything up even more.

I am not well.
@frogprof It's cool, I solved this conundrum - just make sure your child is sick and the sleep schedule is fucked already. That way, the time change makes no difference!
@frogprof Dinner at 4, bedtime routine starts at 5, asleep by 5:40. Awake sometime between 3:30 - 4:00 am 🙃 We we're trying to push back his sleep time but he has such a firm internal clock that it has been incredibly hard. The time change made this so much harder 🤦‍♀️
@frogprof In the UK we changed a few weeks ago and my boy has only just worked it out. We had tantrums for a week because everything was wrong and multiple night wakings.

Daylight savings can't fuck off to the bin where it belongs.
@frogprof Knock on wood, so far so good. We needed to adjust her sleep schedule anyway, since she’s starting daycare in a few weeks. But the real test is how bedtime goes after I get home from work today.