F.D.A. sets aside June for potential decisions on vaccines for the youngest Americans

@destined22 This is like waiting for George RR Martin to come out with the 6th Game of Thrones book… it’s been over 10 years since the last book and the mf keeps pushing back the release date
@alannasteph With how well protected young kids are, I would not be surprised either if they don't approve anything before 5. With my husband and I both being triple vaxed we are just letting our kid be a kid and not worrying so much.
@drg55 Sorry, I should have clarified. What I mean by that is how well kids under 5 are naturally protected from covid. The flu is more dangerous for this age group then covid is. Yes I know that many parents are concerned about long covid, but that too is very rare and even the vast majority who get it fully recover. Just look at hospital rates, according to the cdc, during the peak of omicron, 14.5 out of 100,000 children in the 0-4 age group were hospitalized. Of that 44% were under 6 months of age, so that puts the number of toddlers at 8.12. So even though 63% of those hospitalized had no underlying conditions, the numbers are still very small. This does not even factor in kids that go to the hospital for other conditions and test positive for covid, counting as a covid hospitalization. I am a numbers person, so I tend to dig in. Really though, it is up to each parent to take the data and use it to decide what risks they want to take for their child. For my child, I feel like it is more important for him to see faces and just be a kid then worry about the risks of covid. The numbers are a lot different for parents with infants or children/family with high risk health issues.
@destined22 Why is no one in a rush to get these vaccines approved?!? This has been such a long frustrating process I just want my baby to be vaccinated already
@erictheclock I guess I’m just too naive to think it could be bc of money…it’s just so annoying bc now all mask mandates and vaccine requirements are being rolled back yet I still feel so anxious to go back to “normal” until my daughter can be vaccinated…just really sucks that’s all
@yaaqov It is a low priority because toddlers are at a very low risk of being injured or killed by Covid. There are many common viruses like the flu that are more dangerous in toddlers.

Covid is very dangerous because of the rate in which it injures and kills adults, and mostly older adults.

Of the 3,700,000 Covid deaths worldwide, 13,400 (0.4%) were in people under 20 years old. And the majority of those were in the 10 and older crowd.

It is estimated that 75% of children have already been exposed.

While is it quite annoying that parents that want to vaccinate their toddlers can’t, there is a lot of science and data out there that demonstrates that we shouldn’t be very worried about Covid when it comes to our toddlers.