F.D.A. sets aside June for potential decisions on vaccines for the youngest Americans


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Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/29/us/politics/fda-covid-vaccine-under-5.html

"The agency’s release of a schedule came after some critics raised concerns that it was delaying action on Moderna’s application in order to compare it with data from Pfizer, which is not expected in full until June. The F.D.A. commissioner, Robert Califf, said that was not the case in interviews on Thursday and Friday. 'Categorically, there is no reason for the F.D.A. to wait,' he told Andy Slavitt on the podcast 'In the Bubble.'"
@destined22 Meanwhile I’m at home with Covid with my two toddlers. They got it from daycare. And I am so mad. I wish they could have had vaccines months ago when they first teased them. We worked so hard to keep them safe and I feel like it was all for not.

I’m just listening to my poor two year old coughing while he tries to nap 😣
@lovejoyhope I am sorry. I found myself screaming at the TV when I heard journalists, scientist, doctors and eventually politicians all spouting that masks are no longer necessary because people have the ‘tools’ they need to keep themselves safe/vaccines have been out for months and go get boosted…or a version there of. WTF about the kids?!?! Ours still hasn’t played with another child and she is 14 months! I am hoping for her to be able to have outdoor play dates with kids of other like minded parents this summer but my hopes are dwindling.
@creationrules Right?! When they took away the mask mandates in schools I was so mad. I’m a teacher and even though we have a high rate of vaccination we don’t have enough kids to create immunity. One school in my district just had to implement mandatory masks because so many kids and staff have gotten it.

In my building kids and teachers and dropping like flies.
@lovejoyhope And the vaccination rates for kids is pretty low. Ages 5 to 11 is 35% which is crazy since literally all check up appointments for kids is basically getting shots. We have been doing this forever but all of a sudden, vaccines aren’t needed for 65% of people?? Like what did you think you were doing at the doctors appointment with your kid? Because mine was getting shots and a sticker every time
@lovejoyhope you kept them safe for so long that they’ve gotten one of the milder variants, which is a huge accomplishment. At least that’s what I told myself when mine had it last month. It wasn’t for naught.
@lovejoyhope I hope they feel better soon, it’s so difficult right now.

Gentle correction if you’re open to it? The phrase is “all for naught”. As in “all for nothing”.
@lovejoyhope Exact same situation here. We kept him safe for two years by taking every precaution, and finally out of a worry of stunting his social development now he’s coming to an age where kids start practicing those skills, we took one risk and started sending him to nursery two days a week. His very first week, he immediately contracted covid. It’s nobody’s fault, but I was beyond infuriated. When we did the tests, I literally wept when they came up positive, I was so angry and upset. Like you say, it feels like we have given up so much compared to these fucking blasé anti maskers, and we still get punished for it. Not to mention I’m pregnant, so I’m also impotently worried about if me having it is affecting the baby - nothing I can do, nothing anybody can tell me, but it’s a worry.

The one consolation my partner keeps giving me is that keeping them safe for this long means they didn’t get it when it was really deadly. Ours is definitely the milder strain of omicron (BA2 I think? The one that’s like a bad cold), and I’m very grateful for that, because my partner is asthmatic, though vaccinated, and so he could have been really ill, along obviously with kiddo. I hope your babies are the same, that they’ve dodged the worst strains.
@chanahf I mean we did avoid it since fall of 2021 when my kids had to start going back for daycare. My oldest wears kn95s there and they were strict with symptom screening. Unfortunately one person slipped through in all of this time causing a major outbreak which was the first at our center.