Extreme case of the night wiggles


New member
Hi all, I bed share with my 7-week-old and it’s mostly wonderful. We started around 3 weeks and it was life changing, we all sleep better. HOWEVER, just this week she has suddenly started this thing where she wakes up to eat around 4 (that part is normal) and then just WIGGLES FOR A WHOLE HOUR. She’s not upset or crying, she doesn’t want to eat anymore, she isn’t even really awake and her eyes are closed. She just kicks her legs and windmills her arms really hard like a little turtle stuck on its back. Sometimes she lets out a huge fart (or two or three) while doing this so it could be a gas thing, but she keeps going even after all the farts lol. Sometimes a pacifier chills her out a little but it doesn’t last. And then suddenly at 5 am, she’s just done and sleeps calmly for like 2 more hours. Obviously this is not good for my sleep (although tbh it’s very cute). Is this just like….super active dreaming? Is it just a phase? Anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions?

EDIT: I thought I’d add what worked in case it helps future googlers. The gas answer made complete sense in my case. Her pediatrician recommended Mylicon drops (simethicone i.e. baby Gas-X, which breaks up gas bubbles so they’re smaller and easier to pass) at her evening/night feeds. I tried that at different times/frequencies for about a week and it didn’t really work for us - it did seem to make her fart more easily, but also just MORE, so she was still wiggling a lot trying to get them out. Some commenters said baby probiotic drops worked for them and THAT was the right move. I got the Smarty Pants brand, my store had that and Mommy’s Bliss and the SP was almost half the price. She’s been taking them for just two days and slept SO peacefully last night with ZERO night wiggles at all! If it starts up again I’m going to try gripe water next (since clearly the preventative holistic method is working better) - it has baking soda, ginger, fennel, etc.
@brineheart Yep and it seems to be a gas thing for my baby. A lactation consultant on insta said the other day that 4am is peak gassy time (I can't remember if she said why).
@juggler What! That’s so weird! It never would have occurred to me to Google this but I just did and it’s totally a thing (which is what always seems to happen with weird newborn stuff). Thanks for the lead haha. Looks like probiotic drops help a lot of people so I might give that a try.
@juggler I didn’t realize that was a thing!! Mine is constantly up around 5am grunting and farting and also congested for some reason? I had no idea other ppl experienced that. I really wonder why.
@brineheart I do take comfort in knowing that this time of night is populated by Mums awake with their babies! You’re never alone lol.

My nearly 8 week old is the same, but it also seems to be a bit of reflux as he will sound a bit snotty which I think is him bringing up milk. If I sit him up he’s much happier and will sleep after 20-30 mins of being held. But definitely also does a thrash and fart starting 4-5am daily.
@claysmithr Oh damn, sorry to hear that. They’re working great for my 11 week old right now…maybe her tummy will be able to handle them when she’s a bit older? But maybe just not the right thing for her. Have you tried Mylicon or gripe water? Mylicon did not work for us but I hear good things about gripe water
@brineheart my 3 month old has been doing this and it’s alllways gas. and he has a pretty great track record of hitting whatever boob he’s nearest to with a jab/hook or smacking my husband in his side lmao. if he’s not close enough to us he will just rambo the shit out of his own belly and it wakes us up every single time…that being said ours cries from the gas pain🥺 usually subsides with a boob back to sleep but will do it again once at least. no advice, just wiggle solidarity lol.
@brineheart My baby was in the Co sleeping bassinet until 3 months but I remember him literally spinning his body round and round in it keeping me awake probably around a similar age. It did pass and he sleeps super still now, and did by the time we started bed sharing at 3 months.
@brineheart Who knew farting was such a skill to master! Apparently newborns have a hard time both flexing their abs and relaxing their buttholes to be able to fart. Takes a while for them to figure it out, esp in their sleep.

I wish I had recorded ours! I know it’s dark and you’re tired but try to film some, it’s so funny and cute and doesn’t last 🥲
@brineheart This has been happening with my little guy lately too. He’s 6 weeks tomorrow. I’m laughing at the comments because this dude will totally wake me up at 4 am just to watch him squeeze out a fart.