Concerns about extreme 'cry it out' for a 10 week old

@gladaonkth This is disgusting. That poor baby. It’s hard for me to even read this. I wish I had links to articles and studies I’ve read in the past because it’s been proven that this kind of neglect can be detrimental to babies and will effect them for the rest of their lives. It’s appalling. It’s abusive. I would gather research and share it with them. That might be hard to do but some one has to stick up for that poor baby who can’t do so for them selves.
@gladaonkth A 10 week old will need help to settle to sleep. If the goal is to sleep from 7-10 then they could try responsive settling. CIO is not recommended for many months and even then not all babies. Regardless they should be able to hear or see her at anytime especially when she is upset. At this point baby doesn’t even know its a separate person from their mother.
@gladaonkth Oh my gosh- what the fuck. I’m actually in tears reading this!!! This is AWFUL and so fucking dangerous! Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids!
I’d go further with this- the poor thing is 10weeks old!!
So distressing!
@gladaonkth “Structure and discipline” for a ten week old baby?!

This shit makes me cry because as young teen mom I was told to do this method of sleep training.

Took me till my second baby that shut this nonsense down.

I’d do anything to comfort my then little crying baby instead of leaving her cry.
@gladaonkth Oh man I joined a fb sleep training group when my babe turned 4 months hoping to learn a few training methods that worked for people and was horrified to see everyone had babies that were around 10 weeks old doing CIO. Like wtf!!
@gladaonkth this is so unsettling. that's WAY too young, for way too long, and with no monitor or anything to check on her even? ugh. please report it, i cannot imagine my baby being ready for something like this so young.
@gladaonkth Absolute neglect. Not to mention, I’ve never known any 10 week old baby who can go to bed at 7pm… my baby went to bed somewhere between 11–1am that young. I’m sick over this. Why did they even have a baby if not to love, nurture, and protect this little human? When will people learn that babies don’t just have physical needs. Emotional needs are just as important! That babies just needs some love and comfort. Shes never been alone, nor should she have to figure out how to that young. Ok now I’m crying😩 PLEASE intervene.
@gladaonkth Yikes!!!!! That is seriously evil!!! I have a 3 month and have never done that. I can’t even imagine!

It even says in the notes that I get from the pediatrician to NOT let baby cry it out when they’re little like that because they are too young for that. They’re crying for a reason. On a few occasions, I have been frustrated with my baby and set her down for 10 minutes in her bassinet. When I came back, she had little tears in her eyes, and her face was all red from crying. I felt terrible! Couldn’t imagine her throwing up.
@gladaonkth Personally I think they should have their child taken away. (Personally) that infant sounds like they’re going to end up, well you know. I also wish I could personally tell them that as well. I guess common sense isn’t common but how on earth is that INFANT throwing up and they have Absolutely ZERO brain cells to know that that can cause the big ol D word. Like. How heartless do you have to be to not even care to check or put in a damn monitor.
Edit: I’ve since seen they’re mentally challenged or something but that is definitely not an excuse for this behavior. Especially for the mom of the dad to be giving him advice she knows he’ll enforce. Unfortunately authorities probably won’t do anything im for fear of being called insinuative or picking on them. Definitely keep pushing the issue or even show them you yourself try to educate them with this thread and group because I seriously feel so sorry for that poor little baby having to go through that.
@gladaonkth I would never do this to my child but I think this may be the old generation thinking. The older generation was told to leave the door closed and let baby cry, to be tough. I know this because my midwife told the exact story, she was left to cry in her room for hours and her mother found her in vomit too. She thinks maybe she had undiagnosed reflux from her mother's description now. But apparently that's the thing to do in that generation, leave babies cry it out all the time.
@gladaonkth This literally made me cry I'm so disturbed by this. Maybe whoever's son this is needs to let them know that this is abusive, or raise concerns to their pediatrician if they themselves don't wanna report.

I'm so sad for this little baby, what awful advice from this MIL jfc.