Concerns about extreme 'cry it out' for a 10 week old

@gladaonkth Its one thing to get a baby started on a routine and have them in bed by 7pm... it's another to basically put the baby in the crib/bassinet and shut the door and turn the monitor off. 10 week olds don't know true structured routines, and they certainly don't understand mommy and daddy shut the door to "get the baby to shut up". 10 week olds also are still very clingy and looking for mommy to comfort them. They are constantly seeing new things as their vision develops, and if this baby is anything like my son, a new shadow he's never seen before scares the 💩 out of him and he cries for comfort.

In my opinion, this is neglect. A baby should never be so upset that they are throwing up. Say the baby choked on their vomit or fell asleep in the puddle of vomit and asphyxiated in their sleep..... have them try explaining their CIO method to a doctor or a mortician and see how fast they are charged with child abuse and neglect.

It sounds like mom and dad need to start working I'm shifts and learn their baby's behavior, fast. It's only a matter of time before something happens to that poor baby.
@gladaonkth Oh my god 😭 please save the little girl that’s obvious neglect and abuse a 10 week old baby can’t sleep on his own and as I know self soothing begins at 4 months old I have a 5 month old I never left hem cry alone even foe a second my heart won’t take it I’m afraid if you live her like that she would either shook on her vomit or grow up so mentally unstable