Extended Short Term Disability during maternity leave Q


New member
Has anyone been approved for additional STD during maternity leave? I had mild postpartum depression with my son and terrible vestibular migraines as a result of hormonal changes from giving birth to my daughter. I’m 27 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and anticipating that I could have similar issues this time. Rather than going unpaid (per my company’s policy after 12 weeks), I’m curious how difficult it would be to get approved for short term disability for either PPD or migraines. Appreciate any experiences and tips!

ETA: thank you all for sharing! I should have clarified that my leave provider says I can get paid at 60% with an approved diagnosis and claim. I’m just unsure how difficult it would be to actually get that approval - is it worth going through the whole process or would I get denied for mild PPD or migraines?
@brendanprays I remember that with the company I worked for, I had PPA and my doctor wrote a note to get an additional month off after my leave was up. However the time would have been unpaid, so I couldn’t afford to take it. Hopefully you can figure out how to get it paid. It really sucked not getting the time to get better.
@brendanprays My short term disability is only available during the 12 weeks of FMLA and only if I am out of paid time off through my sick days and vacation days. I was very disappointed.
@richking58 I had severe preeclampsia with an icu stay after birth, and still only got 6 weeks. It’s absolutely criminal that each state and each company can make their own rules.
@danbu I agree.

And depending on the company, you have to drain your PTO. so if you/baby gets sick when you come back to work, you probably wont get paid for taking the day off
@brendanprays So when I was pregnant I was given the normal 6 weeks paid (w also 6 weeks unpaid but I wasn't going to use that). During the pregnancy I continued to see my chiropractor (whos also kind of a holistic hippi like me) who agreed that going back at 6 weeks was way too early and allowed for me to get disability due to pregnancy and birth even tho my birth was great. I have always had back issues so she cited that as well even tho she didn't have to and we didn't know what it would be like afterward. Though it was sensitive after having baby. Maybe find a chiro or another doctor you trust to who will do that for you. A lot of holistic or psychiatrist ones may be able to do that if they're certified. Im on my 2nd and I feel like she will do the same thing again. I was able to go back to work when baby was 4 months off even tho she said I can go to 6 if you want