Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow


New member
I’ve been absent from this sub for quite a while, but I have to get this off my chest because I’m so fucking aggravated right now.

A little background: been divorced from “J” for 3 years, we have 3 kids together - C, boy age 10; A, boy age 7; and L, girl, age 5 -and he has visitation every other weekend. We’re both remarried, me to Deputy Sexy, and him to Crazy McPsycho.

Now for what has me fuming: J has been out of the country for the last 5 months, so I haven’t had to share visitation during that time. I consider myself a fairly strict parent on most issues, but there are certain things that I don’t think I NEED to tell my kids no on. These are things that help them express their individuality, like clothes, haircuts, extracurricular activities, and - the focus of this tale - hair color.

Since the kids and I have had all this time to hang out and talk about shit, they asked me if they could dye their hair. Sure, why not. It’s not hurting anyone and they think it’s cool. After much discussion, the boys decide on blue and red for C, and lime green for A. Sweet. No problem. We do it, they love it, their friends love it, even the old ladies at church think it’s fantastic. L wants hers pink and purple, but she has a ballet recital coming up so I convince her to hold off.

Anyway, J finds out a couple weeks ago (their hair has been dyed for a solid month by that point, it’s starting to fade pretty significantly and we’re not planning to redo it again right now) and he fucking loses it. Tells me I went to far, it’s unacceptable, that I dyed their hair for ME and that since I can’t dye my hair unnatural colors because of work (military) that the kids shouldn’t either. I let him rant, told him they asked for it and I discussed it at length with them prior to doing it, and that I believe they should be allowed some bodily autonomy. He wasn’t having it, but he drops it (because I ignore him when he starts talking to me like I’m an idiot) and we don’t talk about it again.

Cut to tonight. He’s back in town and the kids have their first weekend with him now that he’s back. I went to pick them up tonight and y’all.... Y’ALL. He shaved the boys heads just to get rid of the color. C, who’s been growing his hair out for 6 months and finally got it to the length for the style he wants, and A who loves having slightly shaggy hair... bald. Their faces broke my heart. I’m just glad I didn’t dye L’s hair because who knows what he would’ve done with hers.

I’m angry and sad for my kids. Why can’t they express themselves around their dad?? Ugh.... Crazy McPsycho even went so far as to tell the kids that me dying their hair was ILLEGAL. Not dumb, not against whatever stupid religion or ideology they’re following, but straight ILLEGAL. I can’t even. C’s was almost completely faded out and his hair was trimmed and neat, just long on top, and we were planning on dying A’s back to its natural color this week because it was faded out. J took that as we knew it was wrong so we were fixing it to keep from getting in trouble. With who, I don’t know. Guys, I want to scream. Thanks for reading my rant.

TL;DR: Ex-husband shaved my kids’ head because I dyed their hair and his psychotic new wife told them that me dying their hair was illegal.
@bunny22 Well the good thing about this is that your kids are going to remember who let them dye their hair, and who cut their hair. He is only driving a wedge in his relationship with his kids.
@bunny22 Ok so dyeing the kids hair without consent from the other parent is "illegal" but shaving their heads without consent from the other parent is totes ok. /S

Jesus fuck. As a child of a narcissistic control freak who cut my hair against my will when I was young, let me reassure you that in a very short amount of time, your kids will be old enough to choose to not have a relationship with their asshole father. Trust me, I wouldn't even speak to my father if I could get away with it, but my mother has Stockholm syndrome.
@bunny22 Omg. What a complete and utter dicklicker. Like....being a kid is the one time having crazy hair is totally acceptable and you're not fucked by wanting to appear professional.

Also....shaving their heads?! How the hell does he justify that?! It will take way longer to undo that damage than the hair dye ever did.

My heart goes out to you and your kids.
@buckley73 Thank you. I know... I’m heartbroken for my boys. My 10 year old loved his long hair and was so proud to take the time to make it look neat every day now he just has some peach fuzz on his head. My ex said that if I dye it again, he’ll shave it again. It’s a power play, I know because he did it when my now 7 year old was a toddler too. He had the most beautiful ringlet curls on the back of his head and my ex shaved them while I was grocery shopping one day... they never grew back.
@bunny22 That's fucked up. I think have a big sensible talk with your kids about consent, and how noone can change (etc) their bodies without it. It won't change much but might console them? I would be absolutely DEVASTATED if someone shaved my head. And a child I love dearly used to regularly have his head shaved to get rid of lice that his mother couldnt afford to treat. She was doing the best she could, and he understood, but it broke my heart knowing that he never wanted to go to school afterwards, he thought his ears poked out too far and said he looked ugly and poor :( :( kids have such big feelings. Im sorry for you and your kids
@varadella I have. I apologized so many times tonight for what he did to their hair and we talked about how no one else gets to decide what they look like. I know they understand but they’re still hurting emotionally and that kills me.
@catholics7777 I wish. He’s done so many fucked up things to try to punish me or just to be an asshole and the court doesn’t care as long as the kids aren’t being beaten or starved. It’s maddening.
@bunny22 Jeeeeeeeeez. Why don't they care? Do you have it all documented and stuff?

That just full-stop sucks ass. I guess it's only 5 more years or so before the oldest can start refusing to go, and the other commenter is right - they'll remember this for a hell of a long time.
@catholics7777 Cool story (not really). I DID have a lawyer. He’s not answering my phone calls anymore after the last court date when my ex agreed to mediation then refused to sign the papers that he agreed to. I haven’t been able to do anything for the last 5 months because he’s been out of the country.
@bunny22 I’d report him to your local bar association. You have a right to timely and competent representation, which he has failed to provide.’
@bunny22 Jeeez. You'd think your ex being overseas for 5 months would have been a prime opportunity to change custody on him (since he couldn't appear), but that lawyer missed that boat. Damn. New lawyer time, I think?