Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

@tisanewseason You’re not crazy at all. You’re just trying to parent in the way that works best for you and babygirl and others aren’t understanding that. The western cultures are obsessed with making babies sleep independently; it’s just deeply woven into the fabric of society. So that’s probably where you’re getting pushback. Keep doing what works for you and know that it’s 1000% biologically and emotionally normal and nurturing for both you and your baby.
@tisanewseason Our 11.5 month old does 95% of naps on dad, in the ergobaby, on the treadmill or outside walking. 5% boob in mouth with me. He loves it. We love having him close. We love how reliable ergobaby naps are for getting him to go down without a single tear. I don’t know what the plan is when we have a second, but that’s no reason to change how we do things with our first when it works for us.
@katrina2017 Yes!! Carrier naps are brilliant too. I used to do a lot more of them but I just wana lie down too these days 😂 I reserve them for special days out only now, once a month or so. So sweet that dad is able to spend so much time with him too! My husband sweats too much to carry her for naps 🤭

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