Everyone seems to have a routine, and I feel like I’m just winging it…is this okay or should I make adjustments? I’m trying to build a stash

@isuphloyd Too early for a routine! You’re doing great 🙂 maybe around 4ish months, things might get more predictable and you’ll be able to have a loose routine.
@isuphloyd 3.75 weeks postpartum here, we also have no routine. For a while I was triple feeding to get baby’s weight up (I had a bit too much bleeding after birth so my milk came in late), so I was pumping after every feed and lived by the clock to make sure he fed every two hours. Now that baby is a pound and a half over his birth weight I’m thriving in the no-routine zone.
@isuphloyd On the bottle piece of this. There’s lots of conflicting advice. My lactation consultant said the recommendations vary from three weeks to eight. Anecdotally, I know people who faced bottle rejection; I don’t know anyone that had nipple rejection because of bottles. But that’s just my small sample. At six months our baby will be going to daycare and her ability to take a bottle is critical. So we introduced at three weeks. We are easing into it. But intend to make it a regular part of her feeding to keep her used to it. I don’t have a good habit with pumping yet, but our plan is for husband to take one of the overnight feedings.
@isuphloyd You’re doing amazing! Just relax because stressing doesn’t help! Four weeks pp your supply is still regulating and a schedule is damn near impossible with cluster feeding and everything. I’m 12 weeks pp ftm and I pump once in the mornings if I’m lucky! I finally have a glimmer of a vague schedule. You sound like a superhuman mother goddess already wanting to get pregnant again btw; that takes some big mental & physical strength imo!
@isuphloyd You sound like you are doing great; you should do what works best for you and your family and don’t worry about what other people do. I only pumped maybe once or twice during the first few weeks so my baby could drink from a bottle and to give my sore nipples a break. I actually liked hand expressing and manual pumping more so I did that to give my son 2 oz from a bottle maybe every 2 weeks or so. I found it too time consuming and exhausting to try and do more so no real routine. We fell into a routine naturally around 7 or 8 weeks when he became a more efficient feeder, but I was just following his lead. He started daycare at 5.5 months and I had to pump regularly then but we never had issues with the bottle and I didn’t have an oversupply or a stash.
@nancy44 And every time I think “okay! He likes doing it this way!” I get proved completely wrong within 24 hours lol Its good to hear I’m not the only one just making this up as I go!!
@isuphloyd Feeding on demand is perfect. Pumping once a day to build a stash is a nice bonus. Don't go too crazy pumping tons of extra times during the day or you may give yourself an over supply.

There were no schedules in my house for quite a while. People online were obsessed with eat sleep play and it just didn't work for us because baby took so long to eat. There was only napping and eating for weeks.