Every item we've used for our 2-month old so far

@praisethelord12 I would say more footie pajamas, maybe at least 6? My daughter peed whenever we changed her (anytime of day) and it would pool underneath her (I even had the new diaper underneath her, she still pees a crazy amount as a 16 months). Also blow outs, countless blowouts that happened while feeding her that required both of us to change.
@praisethelord12 This is a great list! I had my LO 7 months ago and I definitely overbought on SO many things!

One thing I'd like to add for any Canadian mommas giving Tylenol is that the infant and children's formula is completely different than the USA, therefore we cannot substitute children's tylenol for infant use!
@jouredgette Children's Tylenol (for 2yo+) in Canada is actually less concentrated than the infant one, so you can use it for babies, but it will not be as effective. This was explained to me by an ER doctor. LO was running high fever, but outgrew the max infant dose by weight, so she recalculated it for us. I was surprised to see that the children's dose was higher than the infant one and she said that's because infants can not swallow as much, so it has to be more concentrated.
@vyrzaharak That is a really good point! I remember looking it up some time ago and Infant Tylenol is concentrated something like 2.5x more than Children’s.

Quite some time ago someone had posted in my baby bumpers group the dosage sheet for Tylenol but the US version and I almost screenshot it until I realized that it was asking for way more then what I had previously given LO. If I hadn't looked at the comments, or given Tylenol to my LO previously, I could have given her 2.5x more than what she was supposed to get and it makes me sick thinking about it.
@jouredgette That's a more important angle of looking at it for sure. Definitely do not want to give a baby children's Tylenol dose of infant Tylenol. That's where the danger is, not the other way around.
@praisethelord12 If a rocker is too expensive, my SIL suggested a big yoga ball with a little sand in it to keep it from rolling around. She gave me one and told me its good to bounce in the 9th month to help get baby in position and afterwards as a bouncer/rocker. 22 weeks here :)
@praisethelord12 My baby is due in 2 weeks & one piece of advice that I already know is going to work out is: Remember what the weather will be like when your baby is born.

Since my LO is due right when it's about to get VERY warm here, I went kind of sparse on clothing. I just found out that he's likely to be over 6lb when he arrives, which means he'll be too big for a lot of newborn sized stuff, so I'm incredibly glad I didn't go nuts buying a ton. I saw many friends make that mistake & have dozens of outfits their child never got to wear.

You can ALWAYS buy more clothes after the baby arrives. Sleep gowns are super easy for changing & quickly getting the baby clothed, so it'll save you some sanity at the beginning. Then you can expand into more complicated clothes as you get more comfortable.
@prodie53 That’s a great point. Another thing I’d like to add, everyone told me not to buy newborn stuff because they grow so fast and they might be sized out even at birth - but our LO was so small, it took weeks for her to grow into newborn clothes completely and I’m so glad we had newborn onesies already!
@prodie53 I feel the opposite! I had to go out and buy newborn stuff the first week because she was too small for anything we had and I wish I had bought them before and just kept the tags on until I knew I needed them 🤷‍♀️

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