Ever look up and see your old life?

I was a pro musician and then music teacher until I took family leave in 2018 when NY introduced the FMLA - 8 weeks off from work when having a new child. My boss didn’t renew my contract. I haven’t played a gig in years.

Today as I was pushing my 9 month old in the stroller after picking up breast milk from my wife at work for the second time today while managing my other two (3 y/o & 5 y/o), I walked by a super upscale restaurant full of security for the UN General Assembly and realized the guy showing his ID to get in was the lower school music teacher from my old school from three years ago. He’s since moved on to a much better school. He is with an agency to play gigs that he once said he’d happily give them my info as well. He never did.

I looked up and saw my old life.