Earlier Bedtime? Waking every 2 hours suddenly.


New member
Our 5.5m old has been an independent sleeper (95% of the time) for the past 3 months but has lately started waking up multiple times per night (when she was previously only waking to nurse 0-1 times). At the time she was on 1h30/1h40/1h45/1h45/2h windows with 4 naps lasting around 45-60 min. Her bedtime was between 7-8 pm and she tended to sleep until about 7 am the following morning. Bliss!

The wake-ups started a couple of weeks ago when she began rolling to her tummy at night (previously had just been during the day). She was waking every 1-2h and upset; we’d roll her back. Now she seems to be okay on her tummy to sleep if she’s sleepy enough when it happens and she’s able to roll herself back.

Around that time her naps became fussier and shorter as well. I was told to extend her ww to 2h per window by a sleep consultant and drop nap 4 and everything went to poop 🫠 She was cranky and exhausted all the time. I’ve always thought she was a higher sleep needs baby and seemed happiest with 14-15.5h. During this phase of rolling and extending ww she was getting 11.5-13.5h.

I shortened her ww back to what it they were before to catch up on sleep and that seemed to help her naps — she was able to fall asleep on her own again. We’re on 3-4 naps depending on whether she has one long 2h nap and the nap times line up with bedtime between 6-8.

Now her nighttime sleep is a mixed bag. The night before last she only had one wake up with a bedtime at 7 pm after 3h of total naps. Yesterday she seemed extra tired and had 4.5h of naps, went to bed at 8 pm (because her 3rd nap ended at 3:30 and a 4th nap ended at 6 — I woke her up after 45 min👎), and woke every 2h allllll night. I try to follow 5/3/3 on nights like these and sometimes she doesn’t seem hungry - just unsettled. Others she’ll fall back asleep for 20min and wake up upset so I’ll nurse.

She has been nursed to sleep most nights — not because she can’t fall asleep otherwise (I’ve done without and she’s been fine) but because she has silent reflux and needs to be held upright for 30min before bed and it felt like the only way to get 2 feeds in one ww 😓

Now I’m wondering if the 8 pm bedtime is to blame for this waking. My Huckleberry data seems to suggest she’s more restless on nights where she’s in bed at 8 pm or later but I’m not sure if I’m grasping at straws.

A huge thank you to everyone in this subreddit for your insight and help! I’ve learned so much by being here 🙏
K so I went down the rabbit hole of Huckleberry data after my daughter slept great last night and I may have had an epiphany.

I’ve been so focused on ww and not total awake time and I’m seeing a pattern of soooo many days where her total awake time is low and she’s waking frequently. Plus reverse cycling.

So now I’m trying to focus on adjusting ww for total awake time to be 9.5h +more calories during the day. ETA: This post has been helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/sleeptrain/s/5hEweStZo
@nunon101 My baby’s actual age is a month ahead of yours but her corrected age is the same as your babies. I know every baby is different but those wake windows seem on the shorter side. Maybe if you dropped to 3 naps she can have slightly longer nap times and then may be able to last longer awake after it? Our WW’s are 2.25/2.25/2.5/2.5 but when she was like freshly 5 months corrected they were 2/2/2.25/2.5
@sass Thanks for sharing! Yeah I’m a bit weirded out by how short her ww have been…She was waking up crying from naps with longer ones so I figured overtired but maybe the jump in time was too extreme 🤔
@nunon101 I can’t really comment on whether crying when waking from a nap means much because my baby wakes from every nap crying. Regardless of whether she’s had a long or short nap, if she’s had shorter or longer wake windows!
@sass Oh interesting! That’s helpful to know - thank you!!
(Ps. Tried a 1h50 wake window this morning and she’s been napping for 1h30 so far 🙏) Thank you for your help! Hoping we’re onto a good schedule update here!
@nunon101 What are her current wake windows? 4.5 hrs of naps is a lot at 6 months. I would aim for 3-4 hours max during the day and 3 naps. How does she fall asleep at bedtime?
@speckodust The 4.5h was a bit of an anomaly 😅 She had one 2hr nap (very rare for her) and yet still needed a 4th to make it to bedtime. Right now her windows are moved back to 1h30/1h40/1h40/1h45/2-2h15.

At bedtime I normally nurse her to sleep (thinking it’d postpone middle of the night feeding to a bit later) but tonight I didn’t and she fell asleep independently 🤞
@nunon101 I think she is undertired, the wake windows are quite short for an almost 6 month old baby. I would work towards 3 nap and a schedule more like 2/2/2.25/2.5. Once she’s adjusted you can increase time from there. Independent sleep starts at bedtime! The way they fall asleep is how they’ll expect to get back to sleep in between sleep cycles. I would have a set wake time and wouldn’t set bedtime really and just follow wake windows.
@speckodust Thank you! I guess I figured she was tired because she’d wake up crying from all of her short naps, but maybe that happens when undertired as well? I’ll start working toward that 3 nap day 🤞🙂

ETA: last night I put her to sleep without nursing and she still woke up 2x but not bad! Her bedtime was 8:30 because of the late nap and she woke up content at 7 am so only 13h of total sleep but maybe an earlier bedtime will help that and help us get to 3 naps
@proballoword Oh gosh, sorry to hear 🫠 I’ll let you know if anything seems to help!

This might not apply but just in case: I did just read a section from “The Happy Sleeper” that talks about how nursing to sleep around 5 months no longer translates to longer sleeps and is kind of like if you chugged water before bed and had to pee all night 😅 So I’m likely going to change that habit and see if there’s any change to her sleep. It might be a coincidence but the last time she nursed to sleep and actually slept well the whole night it was a VERY short nursing session.
@katyajane Oof sorry to hear you're going through this too!

So, some success? I think? We extended her ww to 1h50/2h/2h/2h20-ish and now most days this past week she's had one long nap that lets us drop the 4th nap (sometimes with a super early, like 6:30-6:45 bedtime) So naps have improved *most* days -- the day before last she only took 30 min naps for like the first time ever lol so ugh

I stopped nursing her to sleep but I don't know if that really changed anything -- she's still waking up twice, once around 11 pm - 1 am and again sometime between 3-5:30 am and seems genuinely hungry both times 🤷 She was already able to fall back asleep on her own even with being nursed to sleep and was taking naps independently, so if nothing else this is just helping her practice that I suppose. But that doesn't really seem to have changed the number of times I feed her at night. I don't mind that since it seems like she's actually hungry and it could be that she's ready for solids soon and/or because she seems to nurse less (in cumulative time) during the day (again, dunno if that's because she's more efficient at nursing or distracted). Lately this week (fingers crossed) she hasn't had too many other wake-ups. Sometimes she'll fuss a bit and fall back to sleep herself. She's still having some false starts, though -- haven't figured out if that's a too long or too short final wake window issue, though!

Last weekend she had a 9h stretch of sleep for the first time in weeks, but that hasn't happened again. The most I've seen consistently this week since we started adjusting her schedule a bit is 5-6h either at the start of the night or after her first feeding.

My brain on baby sleep is just one conspiracy theory red string from one night's worth of data to the next haha
Whelp the past 2 days she’s had short naps and refused the 4th and is still waking every 2-4h to nurse overnight so I have no idea what I’m doing 😅