Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

@graced1257 No. As someone with multiple kid pickups from schools, 2 hours of driving in town was more than enough daily with a 2 month old. We will not be going out to visit for any holidays for the first year. No one makes the effort to come to us and that is unfortunate but it's enough to just HAVE an infant, let alone tote them around 5 or 6 hours minimum to thabksgiving? So what, you can spend the rest of the evening caring for and trying to facilitate a 2 month olds schedule in someone elses home? What about naps? Feedings? Tell your husband that while you value his family and the time together, it is too much.
Sorry happy finger pressed send while feeding the baby 😂😂
We went away 3hrs with a 3month old and had one break so was around 4.5hrs ao he could actually get out of his chair. But that was a tough drive as is and it was just us 3 getting away! I wouldn’t risk my babe around so many people.. maybe in a few more weeks/months when you’re all feeling more up to it go for the drive and there will be less people 💜drive
@graced1257 I wouldn’t. For all the reasons you’ve already outlined but also where I live weather can turn very bad very quickly that time of year. That long of a drive in potentially foul weather with my new baby would stress me out. We’re still debating doing an hour trip with our 3 month old for thanksgiving.
@graced1257 I took my nephew on vacation when he was 2 ½mo and it was a 8hr drive. We just pulled over whenever he needed to eat and he changed. So, it took around 12 or so hours to get there and back. When he was 2 days old he was discharged from the hospital and we took him to our campground for the weekend to meet everyone.

Do whatever you're comfortable with. Just take a break every few hours so baby can stretch and get a break from the car seat. If you do decide to go, make sure that you tell your in-laws to not invite sick people bcuz that can be passed to the baby and then you'll have more on your plate. Plus, you said that you can't afford the trip, so maybe wait a few more months, when you have more money saved up.
@graced1257 Absolutely not. That could go south on the misery train so hard and fast. Forget about cost, I would not want to have an infant in the car seat for that long. You'll probably be in the car for closer to 10-12 hours with a million breaks if the baby decides they fucking hate the car seat that day and won't stop screaming unless you take them out. It's not worth it.
@graced1257 My wife and I did do this for Easter. A few things we learned/did:
  1. Plan to stop and change/feed every 45 mins max 1.5 hours. This will make the trip a lot longer but get the LO of of the car seat
  2. Plot your route to stop. I recommend grocery stores or Walmart/Target for a cleaner environment
  3. Someone sits in the back with LO. It’s peace of mind and you can keep an eye on them
  4. Everything you might need needs to be easily accessible. May seem like a no brainer but be very mindful when you pack the car, you don’t wanna be un packing the car in a parking lot because LO soiled a 3rd onesie
Hope this helps and good luck!
@graced1257 I probably wouldn't. Mostly because before 3 months especially I was terrified of my baby getting sick since fevers and stuff are extra risky for babies that young. 😬
@graced1257 Short answer, no. You have concerns about out driving and stated you’re basically exhausted, so there’s the first red flag.
You have concerns about illness and people you don’t know, this is going to cause you more stress and anxiety, compounding your exhaustion.

Tell your family just that, you’re too exhausted to drive the distance and are anxious about the toll it will have on your baby. Perhaps you can do it next year or do a supplementary catch up when your better rested and (sorry if I’m reading this wrong) in a more fortified mental frame (I don’t mean to imply you’re breaking down but your post suggests you’re exhausted and anxious, and that’s pretty normal).

Don’t take the risk, but do try to commit next year to yourself if you think it’ll be taken badly.
@graced1257 No. If they're saying they can't afford to come to you and then you also can't afford to go to them, it sounds fair to stay home for Thanksgiving. If Christmas is a holiday y'all celebrate, you could easily pass it off as wanting to spend the money for that holiday instead, especially since LO will be vaccinated by then.
@graced1257 if they want to see you , then they can find a way to visit you. You are still recovering from having a baby and personally I think that’s way too much of a drive
@graced1257 I wouldn't risk it just because it's beginning of flu season and your baby will only be 2 months. Have a small family dinner at your home (husband, you and little one) and enjoy the piece and quiet!
@graced1257 Don’t do it. Especially during cold/flu/RSV season. We refused to drive 3 hours in the dead of winter for Christmas for my family, and I’m glad we did it. Yeah, it chapped some rear ends but we stood by our decision and I’m glad we did.
@graced1257 No. I wouldn’t want my baby in the car seat that long. Plus it’s not affordable for you and you gotta think of the baby’s weak immune system at the moment, I wouldn’t let him around so many people just yet.
@graced1257 Hi so I don’t really think I need to comment as most of the comments if not all I agree with ❤️but my two cents is that if your baby is your priority which it should be not saying it isn’t! But staying home would be the best option, I went on a road trip with a 3 week old 9 hour drive included an hour break every two hours and it was hell! Baby was uncomfortable and fussy my family wasn’t sick thank god but honestly he did get sick from my husband and he’s good now thank god! But consider this, your baby is now your priority if being a new mom has taught me anything it’s that it doesn’t matter what people think what matters is your baby and their health and well-being ❤️