Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

@graced1257 I wouldn’t. It sounds like you would be going waaay out of your comfort zone going there. The drive is least problematic imo (we took a 5h drive with a 2 month old and it’s completely doable - took a 30min break every 1.5h and we started driving in the morning as soon as he woke up so we didn’t mess too much with his sleeping pattern). But considering the costs, you being tired already and the dangers of getting sick I think it isn’t worth it. You probably wouldn’t get much sleep there, baby would be overwhelmed and you would come back even more tired with (potentially) a sick baby.
@graced1257 You mentioned yourself feeling anxious, and having a 3 week old is anxiety inducing! I don’t think my hormones calmed down with anxiety until 3 months pp and I didn’t feel like myself until maybe 6 or 7 months ago post partum. This is to say give yourself grace to say you can’t do it yet, or at the very least make a decision at this time. The drive itself likely won’t be nearly the hardest part, babe will likely sleep a good chunk of that time.
@graced1257 No. I have a kid coming 10/10. I made it 100% clear we are not traveling and if they want to see the baby they need to come to us. They must also wear a mask when traveling and not come with even the inkling of sickness. I'm also broke. My parents offered to pay for our flights and have us come out and I refused. Im not taking a baby on a plane in flu season and likely barely standing as it is. They were bummed but they get it. We just made plans to ravel after the holidays and have a late holiday.

Things you need to take into consideration:

1) your baby is getting used to sleeping at home. In a new environment, your baby is going to be up more and wake up confused. If you do go put a picture of you and your partner in the crib so that's the first thing you see.

2) You're broke and this is one strain you do not need. Just take it easy, your family should come to you.

3) You just gave birth 8 weeks ago. Your body has just recovered from a major change in hormones and birth. NTM sleep-deprived. Driving that far is a risk in safety. I don't trust myself to drive 6 hours after having a baby.....

4) this is your first Xmass as a family, treasure it and being without all your family will be a blessing.
@graced1257 Nope. The drive alone would be a dealbreaker. We had to do a similar drive around 2 months old as we were moving house (planned about 2 yrs before baby arrived so there was no way around it). My parents flew out to help and the drive ended up taking about 8 hrs total with 5 or 6 stops for nursing and at least 2 blowouts. No way I would endure that just for vacation, not to mention the return trip...at least ours was one-way!
@graced1257 I just did a 4 hour car trip with my 8 week old and we are staying in an air bnb. He slept the whole car ride and has been over all fantastic during the trip. You can definitely travel with babies but it seems like the other factors you mentioned are pretty critical. Maybe skip Thanksgiving and see them a different time before you move?
@graced1257 Honestly, I wouldn’t go through with this. It would be a funicular burden and potentially your newborn could get sick. Also at 2 months, if you’re driving you should hold have to take a break every 2 hours, as babies that age should not be in a car seat for longer than that. Plus, factor in nappy changes, feeding etc. it would take you a lot longer than 5/6 hours.

I think everyone should understand if you can’t come. All this is oils be exhausting in every way for you, and I doubt it will feel worth it in the end.
@graced1257 We did that for Xmas to see my family, when LO was born in October. 6 hour drive, 4 hour ferry, then a 30 minute drive. We stopped for regular breaks, so it took like 8 hours instead of 6, but it was ok.
Also, that baby can’t lie flat in their seat and it’s recommended for theirs back that they have a break ever circa 1.5hrs at that age to stretch out fully.
@graced1257 I wouldn’t do it. You said you can’t afford it. Not to mention that car ride will be horrible. Wait until next year.

Thought: is there space in your house for them to stay over since they cannot afford to rent?
@graced1257 So over the summer when my baby was 2 months old we drove 4 hours to go on a family vacation with my side of the family. It took us about 6 hours to get there with stops to feed the baby. It wasn’t too bad but we also do a lot of road trips so it’s something we are used to it was just new to have our tiny human with us. You are planning on traveling during peak rsv/flu season so you will need to be extra cautious. Also if it’s a financial burden you may want to reconsider your plans.