Dog house - Hangover


New member
So I went out last night with my wife’s brother, and my best mate. It was originally only meant to be 1 or 2 pints in by 10pm.

We were in by 10 but there was 7 pints instead of 2 needless to say I was steaming.

My wife went into the other room because she said she knew I was going to be sick or snoring.

I fall asleep but I wake up in the middle of the night and fell over being sick on the floor. My wife has a phobia of sick and needless to say she’s livid.

She’s 3.5 month pregnant so I’ve bleaching, cleaning, washing and shown genuine remorse, I don’t know why I was on the floor.

Feel immensely guilty for it all, I don’t drink loads I try and be a good husband.

Think I’m not going to drink now for a while, the whole incident just reminds me why I don’t bother drinking, I’m 30 I’ve peaked with that regard. And this hangover is the worst I’ve ever had, I reckon it’s the guilt.
@6mmbr For my uncles 60th I decided not eating all day and out drinking everyone at the party was the best choice while my wife was 6 months pregnant. She not only took care of me that night, but she didn’t kill me in the morning. Just make sure it’s a one time thing and you’ll be alright.
@6mmbr Blame it on her brother mate. In all honesty though, you’re just going to have to suck it up and accept she’ll hold this one over you for a bit for turning a quick catch up over a pint in to getting bungalowed with her brother.

Any time you suggest going for a quick pint you’ll probably have to either take a comment about it not turning in to a monster session on the chin, or acknowledge that it’s definitely just a quick pint.

Not quite the same, but it was one of the lockdowns back when everyone was still weirdly banging on pots and pans for the NHS every Thursday. Me and a few mates had a monthly whisky night on zoom together where we would all buy the same 5 whiskies and go through a bit of a tasting reason together. Trouble is this time we all started off having a few beers first, then between each whisky also got out different bottles that we each had to tell each other about them.

We were due to get married relatively soon so our spare bed was covered in wedding stuff, so I told my missus that I would sleep on the sofa. That night I got absolutely fucked. So unbelievably fucked. Alone, in our lounge. I decided I did want to sleep in the spare bed and neatly piled up the stuff that was on it on the floor. At least I thought it was neat after 4 or 5 beers and maybe 7 whiskies.

She woke up to find me totally naked full on screaming down the porcelain phone to god, having strewn our wedding stuff all over the spare bedroom. I say she woke up, it was me that woke her up. This took some grovelling on my part.

Point is, she forgave me pretty quickly, but she still likes to remind me of this occasion on a semi regular basis, and I was the one that did it so I just have to suck it up and take it on the chin.

You’ll be fine! Just don’t do it again any time soon, and definitely don’t do it once you’ve got a new baby around! The further she gets in to pregnancy the more she’ll need your support.

Hope you had a good night though!