Does anyone else have a BBB List? The "Before Baby Bucket List"?


New member
My husband and I are going to start trying in September and we've agreed not to discuss too much baby stuff before then (which is so so hard for me) and just enjoy the summer while crossing off items on our BBB list.

We didn't really get to do much college stuff because we married right out of high school, went to community college and started working. We're taking the summer to try and get all of those experiences before baby comes along! Even though we are total homebodies and introverts.

So far we've:
  1. Gone to a real house-party
  2. Made edibles (we live in Washington)
  3. Stayed up past midnight playing video games
  4. Went to a beach party where there were guys calling eachother "bro", alchohol and campfires
  5. Went all three days to a festival and didn't worry about how much money we were spending
  6. Set up a Money Market account and directed a portion of my check to be deposited into it each month. We've saved more in that account then we've ever been able to do trying on our own!
Things still on our list:
  1. Go kayaking
  2. Eat at an 24/7 breakfast place after midnight
  3. See a drag show
  4. Sunset campfire at the beach
  5. Play tourist in a couple towns over
  6. Learn a new hobby
  7. River float!
  8. ???
Do you have a BBB list? (we call it the Triple B List).

What's on your list? Anything you can think of that we should add to our list?
@gupta The one remaining thing on our list is to go to Disney World, which we're doing in September.

However we won't be TTC right away after our trip: our list also includes buying a house, which we've done, but requires me to change jobs. We expect to move in October and I'll start looking for work right away. Once I have a job, that's pretty much our to do list all checked off...

One thing that was on our list that was a lot of fun was going to the local cinema's all night film-a-thon where everyone came in pajamas and we watched movies like Clueless, Risky Business, Pretty in Pink, etc.
@dorsettmm Disney World is on our list too but I don't think we'll make it, that's okay, though, lot's of other fun stuff to do. I hope you guys have a blast!

Love Clueless! That does sound like a lot of fun :)

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