Does anyone else have a baby that will just wake upwards of 20 times a night?


New member
That’s where I’m at right now. I have 4 kids, and my fourth 9 months old right now. Recently, every 20 minutes or so he just yells out and wakes up. Eventually around 1 or 2 am he just wakes up entirely just playing. I’ve had his ears checked and they’re clear, no infection. I honestly can’t remember if my other kids did this and if they did I blocked it out because it’s so disheartening. I cosleep because typically it gives me more sleep but these past few nights I’m questioning my choices 😐
@wren84 sleep regression? teething? maybe he's not getting enough stimulation before bed? maybe he's going through a cognitive leap? there's so many things, sorry mama. i'm in the same boat with my 15 month old.
@saki1452 I know he’s def teething, but oh my goodness I honestly think he’s over stimulated with how crazy our house is, my kids are ages 6, 3 and 2 and the baby. I wonder if that’s part of it? Ugh I’m sorry you’re also dealing with it! How exhausting!

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