Do you use a sound machine while bedsharing?


New member
Curious what others do. Baby started sleeping in bed with me at 4 months old and I leave the sound machine on all night just because that’s what we were doing before. She’s now 7 months and tbh I’m not sure if it makes a difference at all. Maybe it helps cover any small noises I make? But I also find myself lowering the volume a bit because I like hearing her little breathing. What does everyone else do?
@funnjng Yes at this point (9.5 mo) it’s more for me than for him 😂

I wake up when it dies!! He continues to sleep soundly. Even my husband who sleeps in a separate room now sleeps with his own sound machine!!
@tmorey7788 We stopped using it because it drove me crazy lol. I tried different sounds and volumes. Started sleeping more peacefully once we stopped. My husband says that I snore so apparently I am the sound machine :(
@mauritian I was getting headaches from our Hatch. Especially early on when I was basically in my room 24/7 in a feed and nap loop, so it was on all the time. I really didn't like it. We just switched to a Dohm, and the actual, mechanical white noise is much more tolerable. Now the hatch is a very expensive red nightlight for us 😂
@pcippy hahah omg his nursery has white noise on all day most times cause i forget to shut it off and then you get used to it and ill finally shut it off and i’m like 😳 ahhhh peace and quiet
@tmorey7788 We use a box fan on high (but aimed away from us), because that is what I have to use to sleep either way, lol. It’s helped the baby sleep though, so it’s a non-negotiable.
@tmorey7788 I’ve never used one. I hate sound machines they overstimulate me and give me a headache instead of help me sleep. I purposely didn’t use one with baby so she can learn to sleep without one/I can sleep
@tmorey7788 Tbh, I think the sound machine is more for me, lol.

I can’t sleep in quiet, feels gross, but I do know it can be beneficial for babies. He bedshares with us at 4mo and we have it playing all night. It’s been nice when building a routine too!
@tmorey7788 I bought a sound machine/night light for my first born 3.5 years ago and that thing has literally been on 24/7 since, save for a couple times when the power went out or we took a trip. I can't sleep without one now!
@tmorey7788 We have 3 kids and everyone has a sound machine in their room- include us parents. I love it and can’t sleep without it. It helps cover the noises of playing musical beds all night long with babies and toodlers!
@tmorey7788 I’m gonna be real. We bought the white noise machine for her but at this point it’s for me 😂 idk if it makes a difference to her but I’ve always struggled to sleep without white noise
@tmorey7788 Yes but we’ve used one for 6 years, and before that it was just a fan. We have dogs and cats (and donkeys and chickens and 2 part time goats…) and I HATE the sound of the licking themselves. I’m not totally sure it makes a difference for the baby but I always turn it on for naps and nighttime anyways.
@tmorey7788 We used one and it helped us to transition to the crib at some point, because it was a sleep association for our daughter (+ low red light, sleepy song, sleep sack, etc.). But if you plan to cosleep long term, maybe it's not necessary to keep it. We ditched it once baby was happy in her crib (well still next to me, but hey 😅).
@sparagmos This is a good point. I’m really hoping to get her in the crib eventually, even though that seems impossible at this point. But maybe the sleep associations will make it easier if/when it does happen.