@jlkuhioe Same that someone else said - we have a village but we've built it ourselves... mostly. Our parents live 45+ minutes away, but if I ask in advance and someone is available, either my dad or my husband's mom will come up to watch my 18 month old during my appointments. It's a bit of a drive and even if my appointment is quick, it's a whole day thing of having to clean the house before they come and entertaining them because they'll stay the whole day. I've considered hiring a sitter just so it's not as much of a thing lol.
But other than that, it's a little network of other SAHMs in the area that I've put effort into meeting, getting to know and keeping in touch with. Some of them are closer with each other because their kids are a bit older and go to preschool together. I'm worried if I send my daughter to a different preschool, we might have trouble staying in touch. Or I'll be busy trying to connect with parents at our preschool...
Oh, neighbors, too! We moved when babe was 6 months old and we got lucky with really awesome neighbors who have older kids. They've lived here longer and kind of already have a network. They don't necessarily watch my daughter, but they're absolutely still a part of the village. Sometimes the duty of the village isn't to help you with baby, but it's to lend you a spice you're out of so you don't have to run to the store, or have a glass of wine with you in front of your house after you've put baby down so you can have an hour of adult interaction, or work out with you at the park with their kids and your kid in tow. Watch your kitty when you go out of town for the weekend so you dont have to have a stranger in your house. Help you shovel the drive when it's snowy. That's what our village looks like, anyway. Being supported and feeling connected to your community.
I'm still one and done though, no matter how strong our village is!