Do you have a village?

@jlkuhioe No. We live seven hours by car from my family and 10 hours by car from j my y husbands family. My friends are almost all single and in our 40s. My husbands friends live all over the country but none are in our city; they’re all in high cost locations like Boston, Seattle, and NYC and San Fran.
@jlkuhioe I certainly do not. It’s myself and my husband.
I don’t speak to my mum as she’s an alcoholic and my husbands mum cares for his dad who has dementia and lives over 700kms away.

They pushed so much on us during our labour classes and appointments that it takes a village, but what about those with no village?!
@jlkuhioe I guess it somewhat depends on one’s definition of village. Genetic relatives? Nope, they are all too physically limited, addicted, or unstable. Ironically one family member even made a huge deal about “don’t ever ask me to babysit” or expect her to raise my baby. Internally, I was like “Shit, Leanne, I wouldn’t trust you to water my plants” Thankfully, none of them live close anyway so I don’t have to pretend to be interested in involving them. My village is two neighbors who can babysit from time to time and a spectacular preschool program. I’m always on the lookout for additional babysitters. The “no village” situation seems to be common in my area because several kid oriented businesses (dance class and gymnastics) offer “date night” drop off programs once a month.
@jlkuhioe No. And not even a single friend honestly. We live states away from family (military). also my husband is deployed, so I have no one. Just my son 2.5years, and our wiener dog.