Do you go to bed when your baby does?


New member
Our LO is just about 11 weeks old - his bedtime is still somewhat inconsistent but usually falls anywhere between 8-9:30. My husband and I have just decided that’s our bedtime too 😂 my husband wakes up at 5:15 for work so that was kind of always his bedtime - but I’m more of an 11pm person. However, I’ve never even thought to leave the room and watch tv, clean, etc until I’m ready - so I’m not even sure if he would notice or not 🤷🏻‍♀️he sleeps in a bassinet right beside our bed currently. I think I just naturally started making that my bedtime because he nurses to sleep and mom wants to get as much sleep as possible, but also I’d like to do some things since LO exclusively contact naps still. I tend to do tasks during his wake windows and just narrate what I’m doing.

Long story short - do you go to sleep with your LO? Or do you sneak away and spend some time alone (or with partner). I would like to spend time with my partner alone but like I said… that’s his bedtime anyways 🤣

ETA: his longest stretch he’s given us is 7 hours! He’s had a few nights of 6 1/2 but I would say his average is starting out with about 4 1/2, then 3, then 2 1/2. Still trying to crack the code on what magic we did for those really good nights but I think babies are just gonna baby 🤷🏻‍♀️
@klsmo3 I do! Lol it’s the only way I can hope to get over 5 hours since baby still wakes every 2-2.5 hours on average. He’s 9w right now and it works! Sometimes I do mess around on my phone for awhile and stay up a bit but always in bed when baby is around 8-8:30pm. He usually wakes up between 4-6am so it’s needed 😅
@klsmo3 I can’t sleep unless the baby has been asleep for at least a half hour. Otherwise I’m just waiting for a false start, so I usually watch tv for about an hour then go to bed.
@klsmo3 My baby is 5.5 weeks and kind of a shit sleeper so we absolutely go to bed when she does. I don’t think I could fathom not doing that until she’s consistently giving us more or less guaranteed long stretches at night
@klsmo3 Yes! I do go to sleep with baby because he won’t go to sleep without me…or the breast. He has like this 7th sense when he’s alone in the room. I rock him or comfort nurse him - he seems to be falling asleep deeply - I wait 15 minutes or so by his side to see if he’s moving - nope - I slowly get out of the room - guess what? - in 15 minutes he’s up and crying and looking around the room. What on earth, baby? So yeah…I sleep when he sleeps, except for him sleeping in a baby carrier or the stroller bassinet when he goes for walks. He’s also so dependent on the breast to fall asleep and I really did not intend to…He’s 7 weeks…so…
@wonderingstranger I am having this exact same experience with my 6 week old. It's working for us right now but it also means I'm tied to her 24/7. I'm hoping a new pattern will emerge as she gets a bit older but I'm not quite sure how that will go down or if I need to be the one who does something about it.
@klsmo3 My baby doesn’t have a set bedtime yet, and is 50/50 on going to bed at 8-ish versus 10-ish depending on what her schedule was like earlier in the day. I’m not inherently opposed to going to bed earlier on the earlier bedtime days, but I’m often just really bad at it. I really should though since her first stretch is always her longest and I’m not always sleeping as much as I could if I don’t go to bed when she does.
@klsmo3 We did when he was younger! After the newborn stage (he's 4.5 months now), he needed his bedtime moved up a lot, and now it's like 7pm-nearly 7am. That, and he's much worse at sleeping now than he used to be (thank you 4 months regression). So now we stay up and clean the house, spend a little time together, and sometimes eat dinner after he goes to bed. But we're generally in bed no later than 10pm.
@klsmo3 Mine is 7 weeks and I go to bed when she does. Though it’s usually around 10:30 pm which is my usual bedtime anyway.

She consistently takes 5 naps per day, which ends up with a late bedtime. Once we drop to 4 naps (around 3 months ish?) we’ll scoot up bedtime and I’ll probably stay up later than her. At least that’s how it worked out with my first!
@klsmo3 I typically pump right after my 14wo goes to sleep and then join her. The times my husband and I stay up after she goes to sleep we usually end up passed out on the couch pretty quickly lol. She sleeps 8 hours usually so it makes the 5 or 6 am wake ups easier if we just go to sleep close to when she does.
@eman777 I imagine this would be us too 🤣 especially if we just decided to watch tv or something lol. Is she sleeping 8 hours straight consistently? Because that’s impressive!
@klsmo3 For sure yes I did when she was that age! I needed to cram in all the minutes of sleep I could lol. Now she goes to bed at 8:30 and sleeps all night so I have my evenings back to watch like 3 hours of trash tv before going to bed!