Do you go to bed when your baby does?

@klsmo3 I wouldn’t really call it formal sleep training, but when she hit 3 months sleep was really bad. She was waking up like 4 or 5x a night. Instead of running in there at every cry we dropped the pacifier and I started letting her fuss a little, I told myself I’d give her up to 8 minutes. She took to it really well and never cried longer than like 5 minutes. I also tried to follow the 5-3-3 rule so let’s say if I fed her at 8, I wouldn’t offer another feed again until 1 am, then 4 then 7. Again she took to this well because she just completely dropped night feeds entirely after a few weeks. So I guess I did a light version of sleep training lol
@dwdanby This sounds developmentally healthy to me compared to some other things I hear 😂😅 saving this advice in case I need it later!! Thanks for sharing!
@klsmo3 You’re very welcome! Happy to help in any way. All babies are different so I know what works well for some won’t work for all, but this approach did really work for us. She’s been sleeping 830p-830a since 4 months!
@klsmo3 Yep. Used to go to bed at 9:30-10 but baby has very reliably been a 7-7:30 pm baby. Sometimes 6:30 if she went to daycare that day. If I wanted 5 hours of sleep I had to go to bed when she did because after she wakes up the first time (2:30 am) she will usually wake up again around 4:30 am so it’s just not the same
@klsmo3 Our baby is 7 weeks and goes to bed somewhere around that 8:30-9 time! We usually stay up until 10 watching tv together and chatting. 10 was always our bedtime though 😂 he usually sleeps until 5:30 and then goes back after a back until 7:30.
@klsmo3 Sometimes I do and sometimes I stay up a little later reading or watching tv! I will say though that I just started staying up later when she was around 4 months because her sleep is a lot more predictable and she gives us 9-11 hour stretches now. Before that it was strictly us going to bed when she went to bed 🤣