Do you consider it "taboo" for a boy to see the diaper changing of his baby sister?

@knorvy10 My husband was like this at first. We have a daughter, (who was 1 year at the time, she is 2 now) and I have a 7 year old nephew. I thought nothing of just changing her while she was in the room. He was absorbed in some game anyway and didn't even notice. Later that evening my husband asked me if I thought I should be doing that, and that I should leave the room to change her when he is there.

I asked him what it was that he assumed would be going through the mind of a 7 year old. Especially one that he doesn't even know that well.

He hasn't raised it again since.
@knorvy10 Taboo?
It depends on where you live and what generation you come from.

It is not a taboo, I agree with it being a privacy issue.
I might be old fashion, but I think sense of personal boundries and privecy is something that gets learned very early on.

Protecting and respecting minors/ babies privecy is a valid point.
Sending a child out of a room to change a diaper might be a bit much, but teaching kids about personal boundries is also valid.

Now I am not saying kids shouldn't know how girls and boys look different, feel free to educate them when the apportunity arises.

I used to change my baby girl in the family room with her older brother around. One time he came to me while changing her with a very concerned look on his face and asked me "when will her penis come out?"
I explained to him that girls parts are different than boys parts, and that is how we know the gender of our baby.

But I wouldn't feel right changing my baby (boy or girl) in the middle of a room with bunch of family members around that is just uncomfortable. Defenitly not in the middle of a public area, I don't trust who might be around. There are some weirdo ppl in this world.

So I Personally would absolutly protect my babies/ toddlers privecy for sure.

-You wont be able to change your husband opinion about it, and it is very offensive to tell him that he is either traumatized or sexulizing a baby.

Honestly the best thing you can do is respect his perspective and find a happy medium.

My two cents.
@knorvy10 I changed my baby in front of her brother.. aged 8 when she was born. He never stared or anything and I never made it weird. Usually depending the age boys and girls know they are different. I feel if I had made a thing of it then it would have been worse
@knorvy10 My kids still bath together (8 m, 3 f)). Sometimes my son prefers to go alone, which is of course also fine. I think he is slowly growing out of "Naked is just no clothes" phase.
@knorvy10 Uh, no. I have a 2 year old son and a 4 month old daughter. It’s only weird if you make it weird. It’s developmentally appropriate for children to be curious about other body parts at this age. As a matter of fact, it kinda comes in handy with potty training. He’s learning “poo poo” and “pee pee” and when I change her diaper in front of him, he says “baby poo poo!” And he hands me a wipe and a fresh diaper. One day he even wanted to help wipe.

When it starts to become a “sexually problematic behavior” is if your child forces other children to show or touch their genitalia at school, etc. or forces them to look at their own, etc.

I work at a child development center and just went through a big ol’ annual training about this. If you have any additional questions feel free to dm me.