Do I need the bassinet for stroller?


New member
I’m expecting b/g twins in the next month or two, and it’s crunch time for buying all the twin gear. I’m torn on if I really need to have a bassinet or even a double bassinet for my stroller. They will arrive in the heat of the summer in the southeast US, so we will need to be limiting outside time until they are a little older anyway. I already have the snap-n-go for two infant bucket seats and I’m thinking of going with the Zoe Twin for a side by side. If you didn’t use a bassinet stroller, if you could go back, would you want to get it? I’m sure it would be nice to have, but will I miss it if I don’t spring for something like the donkey or uppababy?
@cipgiple I have 7.5 week old b/g twins and we went with the Donkey 5 side-by-side. It came with 2 infant seats and 2 bassinets. I like the bassinets. The babies are more comfortable in them for our walks than the infant seats. They don’t love those yet. Could I have done without the bassinets? Yes. I would have just used their infant seats. If you don’t want to budget for them, don’t stress it. You’ll be fine without them. I’m already eyeing a Wonderfold for when they’re more self-supportive.
@cipgiple We only used the bassinet attachment for the first month or two. They shared one bassinet as the two bassinets looked like an absolute beast and I didn't like that you couldn't see the bottom baby.

The toddler seats for our stroller reclined all the way back to flat and we bought the infant inserts. You could get by using your carseats but personally I didn't think it looked very comfy.
@cipgiple No you don't need it. I had one that came with my stroller and I didn't get the second one. Walking around my neighborhood was pretty janky so the bassinet never felt secure at all to me for the stroller. We used it around the house as a mobile landing place for a couple weeks but I wouldn't have purchased it or a second one
@cipgiple Okay hear me out. We got the safety first wagon stroller for when they were old enough to sit up. But, I’ve actually been using it to put both babies in laying down flat for walks around the neighborhood. We happened to have a bassinet gifted to us that had an insert that we put inside the wagon to make it firm. Otherwise I use my city select hand me down for their car seats.

Also I’m in south Texas and it’s already warm enough that I’m considering stopping our walks as the babies get pretty warm so you might not even really need the bassinet after all.